Vic = Victor1st, left the SFC3 community with Watertiger spat on it and set it alight. Since that event the SFC3 community is starting to grow again, apparently we where dead and buried. Victor also left STGD in a huff and Tony took over after it was shut down - re-opened and know closed. Other sites have sprung up more than welcome to take up the challenge.
heh...the condensed version...
As for clan = BS it refers to a directory of clans, basically a yellow pages of SFC clans, hardly BS.
The BS refers to the activites surrounding many of these "clans"...the open warfare that
often erupts with each other over petty differences or some percieved slight or insult.......and the wedges this type of "internet nationalism" creates within the community is more often than not...destructive to the community itself...driving off independant and casual gamers...the idea that often the acts of an individual somehow reflect upon the rest of the group and then said groups are painted with broad brushes....
Many of these groups put themselves before whatever game they may be playing at the moment....and often try and muscle or intimidate their way into prominence in the community...they often wont play with non fleet members or independants and even hurl insults to anyone who questions such actions...
We on the other hand see our selves mostly as "community" members and SFC players first...and fleet members second...
By the grace of god...our little community is pretty free from this juevenial behaviour...and many of those groups who once where among us...have left for the latest greatest game...what ever that may be...
Dont get me wrong...I'm all for "Fleets".....they can be great assets to the game community and many help with getting new people up to speed and game support......but the term "Clan" itself implies somekind of backward tribal organization...and often this "group think" leads to actions being taken based upon misconceptions,manipulation ,or outright lies.... and are later regretted by those who took them...
And just witnessing the several clan wars that where not only permitted....but actually encouraged by website admins is just a disgrace to ALL gamers...
What gets me is this that Vic was dumb enough to bite the hand that feeds.