Topic: Need A little help.....  (Read 843 times)

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Offline dragoon

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Need A little help.....
« on: January 27, 2005, 05:45:42 pm »
My motorbike is off the road while it gets a new speedo cable, and my electrics are given an overhaul.......So I have no access to my university library until Monday.

Anywho....I have books but they don't give me detail on Roman Britain during the 2nd I was wondering if anyone here know of some websites that have good detail on this period and area.

Also, if you do know of some, it would be great if they are peer reviewed, as I will need to include the sites in my bibliography.

Thanks in advance.
God said to the Welsh: 'I am going to give you this glorious land of lakes and mountains.' So where's the catch, asked the Welsh? 'Wait until you see the neighbours,' replied God.

Offline Capt. Mike

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Re: Need A little help.....
« Reply #1 on: January 27, 2005, 08:26:22 pm »

I've found some good info there...just don't ask me to translate's been 32 years since Latin IV (30 since college Latin)..

Summum ius summa iniuria.

The more law, the less justice.

Cicero, De Officiis, I, 33

"It doesn't, and you can't, I won't, and it don't
it hasn't, it isn't, it even ain't, and it shouldn't
it couldn't"
FZ, 1974

My chops were not as fast...[but] I just leaned more on what was in my mind than what was in my chops.  I learned a long time ago that one note can go a long way if it's the right one, and it will probably whip the guy with twenty notes.
 --Les Paul

Offline dragoon

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Re: Need A little help.....
« Reply #2 on: January 28, 2005, 05:36:26 am »
Thank you for seems to have some information I can use... ;)
God said to the Welsh: 'I am going to give you this glorious land of lakes and mountains.' So where's the catch, asked the Welsh? 'Wait until you see the neighbours,' replied God.