I don't know what it is, but it keeps crashing constantly. Even when there is hardly any people on. It is becoming quite frustrating for all players alike. At peak times it is expected that its going to crash eventually, but during the night it should not be hapenning, and it is.
The gf settings do not seem to be set properly either, there are AI characters being generated attacking hexes, random news stories are switched an as well. At least one mission I know of (a patrol, no idea which one) is generating a nebula in an asteroid hex. The extra AI and news stories, I suspect, are filling the database with junk, making a database clean necessary far more often than normal. Also, it appears we do not have enough people with access to the server who know how to do this.
I have also received many complaints about the Dockyard Raid mission. This mission has a lot of defence platforms, and these platforms have been much more powerful than usual (more so than the mission was designed for, I suspect).This is causing players to avoid this mission like the plague.
Additionally, the mission difficulty generally seems too high. The 1v1 patrol almost never shows up, and often you are fighting 2 or 3 ships. This is fine for veteran players, but on this server we have a lot of inexperienced and relatively new people playing, some of whom have never played on a D2 campaign before. Many are being killed by the AI. Even I've found some missions to be particularly tough, and I've been playing this game for years. A large part of the problem appears to be caused by bad AI ship matching. (I get a freighter for an ally against an ISC CL and an ISC CA).
Just some constructive comments from your friendly neighbourhood Federation RM.