Karnak: You say the same old rhetoric every time I make a post that offers criticism. Once again you twist my words describing them as made in anger and I should behave better, etc etc etc blah blah blah. It gets old. The only one making personal attacks here is you. We all know you have some personal problem with me, and no one is going to take any notice of you making these kinds of posts. I don't know why you do it.
If you think backing up Bonk is a personal agenda kind of thing then you are really not getting it. You are not that important...
I am just looking at the bottom-line. If you makes posts and somebody I consider a friend reacts like this:
I will say only this: After SG4 I will run SFB-OP on the flatfile on ODIN on its gfs as is. I resent the implication of my incompetence here. Nothing pisses me off more. The SGO4 shiplist has basic YFA issues, missing classes... I can make it work, but not for this server. It took over two years to get the SFB-OP shiplist to work perfectly on a D2 server... see?
Then I am not gonna take it very well. It's a simple as that. If you made this post in a safer env. like a PM then there would be nothing to talk about here. I am not even supposed to be "interested" in SG4 cuz I have a lot of RL stuff going on right now and am too busy for this kind of whatever-you-want-to-call-it.
As for your post. It looks OK to me and it would not set me off. But it set Bonk off and that's not good when it all could have been prevented by using more prudent judgment on how you communicate. I explicitly stated the post would be better off in a PM. If you don't like PMs then there's the D2 Server Admin. forum right here:
http://www.dynaverse.net/forum/index.php/board,3228.0.html(Both Bonk and I are signed up in there. They even let DH in. :O)
Why not in the general forums, you ask?! In order to prevent any possibility of people's feelings getting hurt (which often happens when certain issues are discussed in the public domain); because, if you are admining a big server like SG4 then you are gonna get jumpy and nervous about how it's going. It's human nature to be nervous when you've taken on a big responsibility; especially, when it's under fire-drill conditions due to last minute changes in both SG4 admin. staff and dyna tech.
Look, I've been through lotsa more colorful campaigns on D3 where the forum rhetoric can really fly. In the end, the sensitive stuff is always better handled in forums other than the general one cuz there's always someone that will take it the wrong way. Not admitting that is not recognizing the facts and consequently the "hot" posts result (cf. for evidence, look above).
Remember J'inn rule . . .
No good deed goes unpunished. By doing all this work for free you are doin a HUGE good deed. This means two things:
1) Yer nuts. (About the free part that is)
2) Yer punishment will be substantial.
Just do it for yourself. Screw everyone else. Those that like it will play.
Dr. J'inn
University of Screwing Everyone Else
Holder of the Presitigous Lyndon B. Johnson Chair
*snicker* This should be stickied in the SGODEV forum.

And, to end my verbose lecture repotoire of dyna negativity and cynicism on a positive note:
BTW, Angel Slayer. Great Post. RMs should sticky it in the campaign forums.