Captain?s Log Stardate 4658.56: The U.S.S. Enterprise has been ordered to sector 632 near Kzinti Space. We are to patrol the Klingon Neutral Zone in this sector and perform Signal Reconnaissance. Ever since the alien race that calls themselves the Interstellar Concordium has occupied the Neutral Zone almost all signals from the Klingon Empire have been jammed.
Deep scans have detected signs of conflict along the Klingon side of the border. No doubt the Klingons like being dictated to by the I.S.C. even less than I do. Thankfully, they have not taken any hostile actions against the Federation. Yet.
James T. Kirk, Commanding.?Captain? Uhuru called from her station.
Kirk, suddenly jarred from his thoughts, spun his command chair around to face the Communications Officer.
?Yes Lieutenant,? Kirk asked.
?I am picking up a sub-space signal,? Uhuru stated while adjusting her earpiece and some controls on her panel, ?it?s weak but I think I can clear it up.?
?Can you determine it?s point of origin?? Kirk asked.
From Kirk?s left a calm voice spoke.
?I am attempting to trace the signal to it?s source Captain.? the Vulcan stated.
Suddenly, a shocked look crossed Uhuru?s face.
?What is it?? Kirk asked.
?I believe the signal is Lyran, sir.? Uhuru responded.
?Lyran!? Kirk gasped. ?They?ve never even attempted to contact the Federation.?
?The source is confirmed.? Spock stated. ?However, we are not the intended recipient. The signal is direct towards Kzinti space.?
?Captain,? Uhuru said, ?I believe I have achieved an acceptable video and audio feed.?
?On screen!? Kirk ordered has he spun around in his chair toward the main viewer.
At the point the field of stars flickered away to reveal the following vision . . . .

?I?m sorry, sir? Uhuru said, ?but that is as clear as I can make it.?
?J?inn!? Kirk said quietly. ?On a Lyran channel. This can?t be good.?
Then a raspy voice, made even more so by the universal translator began to speak.
Patriarch Chuut Ritt. I do hope this message reaches you in good health. I would have talked to you in person, but it seems you have placed an order of execution against me due to my support of the former Patriarch. A shame really. It left me with no other choice but to seek other allies.
But don?t worry about me. Emperor Hexx informs me that once Kzinti space is freed from your reign that he will allow a Kzinti warrior to replace you and to return M?Raa to her former glory.
This will not be me of course. I have no desire to be a leader. It is too . . . public for my taste. Thus, I have suggested to Emperor Hexx that General Matsukasi be installed as the new Patriarch.
The General was rather irate when you removed him as High Protector of the Holy Krespy Kreme. Rather irate. A shame really.
Actually, Matsukasi would like to talk to you . . . The screen blurs for a moment and the previous image is replaced.
"You can BITE ME!! Chuut!!" The General Snarls.
The screen changes again.
Well as you can see, he?s a tad miffed. Tsk. I?d hate to be you right now. Well, the General and I will be seeing you soon. Real soon.
Oh did I mention that the Klingons have agreed to sweep this ISC filth out of the way for us? They are quite helpful. The General?s Fleet expects to arrive at M?Raa within the year. Try not to get assassinated before then. The General would be heart broken.
Ciao Shnook?umms!Kirk turned slowly in his chair to face his First Officer.
?Well, this was unexpected.? he said with a tired sigh.
The Vulcan merely arched an eyebrow and responded, ?Indeed.?