Topic: Looking for links forsome more models...  (Read 907 times)

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Looking for links forsome more models...
« on: January 22, 2005, 02:44:34 pm »
OK I'm cleaning out my model collection and I have descovered that I am missing:


Abbe Fire Support DRONE cruiser

Atrahasis' Valkrys KDD (BOP Style) Drone escort that has been Romulanized by me [my son accidentally erased my retexture but it was posted at Starfleetuniverse before]

These are not at the usual model locations as far as I can tell and the SEARCH function here has not yeilded functional links to the models.

HoD Radjekk Vor Thruum
IKV Kraag Dorr
SuvwI' Qeh KCC
Commander, Task Force Kraag Dorr's Teeth First Strike Squadron

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Re: Looking for links forsome more models...
« Reply #1 on: January 22, 2005, 03:12:44 pm »
Hey KF check the newly stickied " IS IT OUT THERE " Thread. Thats where we're gonna request stuff we know is out there. But to help ya out.............


Tos K7 FBS

And I may have the other one in the stuff ya sent me for Outalance. The original is here........,

Here's the thread link........,163351422.0.html

ModelsPlease, resident "Model Junkie" recovering from a tragic crayon sharpener accident.