Later Komodo and LeRoy in a F-CC and a F-CA? Barbecued me in a I-CLY
FPF-DrAzteca'F-DNL and SSCF-Paladin´s F-CS+ destroy Soreyes´s I-CSP. GG
Lyrans Overlord J'inn (L-JPG) and Warp (L-DW something or other) KILLED Soreyes' (I-CLY) GG
Now to add a few more

Pardak in a R-CON fried my butt in a Nebula while I was flying a I-CLY
2Tone in I think a F-CC+ showed me what overloaded Photons can do at range 3.( Damn it!!! I had six marines to his one on his ship before that last drone blew up my CLY)

To the Lyran who was flying the L-CF. He just ran down my CSP and blew me up GG
It seems that I haven't had a good start to this Server in it's 1st 24 hours

So from now on I'm going to take J'inns advice........ RUN!!!!!!!!