<sniff> Honestly guys..I...I'm speechless.
I didn't know you all thought so
highly of me..
I mean -I lost to a bug/gltich/something stupid-
(and I don't begrudge LeRoy the kill, when you're a Fed you have to take what you can get)
But to have an event made of my demise, I mean any of the other "elite" players loses a ship
and nothings thought of it... someone actually manages to kill me and Tshirts are produced..
Perhaps I am a better pilot than I thought.. perhaps I am a piloting God.. 13-1 is not a bad record
-and it is far out of reach of most of the mundane pilots (this means you) around here...
Hexx will be back on tonight , killing Feds again LeRoy I'd like a ...rematch at your convenience.