So that folks understand, even if you drive off a BCH in a non-capital ship it counts too.
What about if a CP ship disengages or is the one to disengage?
Yikes Kroma- LeRoy not putting out in the Alliance OC or what?
For the record you're wrong. Rules say any Dn forced to disengage by a non capital ship nets the non DN a VP.
If a BCH is forced off, no worries
If a BCH forces A DN off no worries.
CP ships forcing DNs would technically get VPs, as long as they weren't BCH's
Wasn't aimed at exposing the fat that you got chased off by a much smaller ship froma D2 newbie.
I'd NEVER be so crass as to point that out.
It was actually a smackdown of DH, trying to pass himself off as literate again.
No go find LeRoy, you know he's jus playing hard to get.