Klingon Builds for round 4 as well as existing builds
*indicates new build
B10V-KBFWillWeasel (currently in docks, actually)
*C-7 KHH Mrogue
*C-7 KBF Soth
*C-7 KBFLord Krueg
FDW KBF-Frankk
FDW DizzyK
D6U KBF Crim
D5D Shin32nd
*DWD Nosferatu
D6U from Docks to Duros
D5D from Soth to Docks
DWD from Lord Krueg to Docks
*D6U to Kytarh
*D5D to MadElf
*FDW unassigned, to Docks
*FDW unassigned, to Docks
D5D in Docks (from Kytarh)
FD7R in Docks (from rd 1)
The Klingons used the bonus CP earned from the last Bounty round.