ISC Final Builds
Dizzy, you better be following through on your promise to allow all ships, irreguardless of YIS date, on this final build...
The ISC elects, once again, to apply the overtime production to BP...
BP SHIPS: 6+1 = 7 pts.
DNT (3), CLX (2) CSX (2) 7 spent
CP ships:
The DNT goes initially to Corbo.
Why would you build a DNT? And what in the world made you'd think I'd fly it? I'm going to take the CLX out for a spin.
I could have sworn you (or someone else) had asked, very early in the server, for a DN, and being the DNT's the only DN with forward-facing S-torps, which makes it probably the most effective actual-DN we have, with the DNH in that same vicinity...
Sadly, most of our non-war DNs (DNH, DNT, etc) come out very late in the server, from my pre-server calculations, most of these DNs come out
after the server was initially due to end...
With that in mind, and the chance for me to build a second BB replaced instead with the massive X-build, I figured this last round would be as good of a time as any for the ISC to pop out their second DN hull...
Actually, if Frey's got the CCX, and you take a CLX, we could probably get most, if not all, our "active" playerbase into BP ships right now, as the CVAZ and BCV would be free, and there's 3 CSXs available...
Consider Corbo in a CLX instead of the DNT. I'll take the DNT out on Sunday if nobody else claims it by then...
As I have to work until 8:30 PM EST tonight, I won't be readily available for tonight's close to final transfer cycle (the only other one is at 8 AM Sunday Morning), so please accept ISC pilot claims on the starships using a first-come first-served basis. For actual Transfers, remember that they activate at 8 PM tonight...