Welcome to Slave Girls IV: Revenge of the Orion Slave Girls! (click!)[/url]

-SG4 kicks off
Jan. 22nd at 12:01pm Est/11:01am ctr and will run for three weeks concluding on Feb. 12 or 13th.
-The server starts in year 2271 and runs at a pace of 2 game years every three days, 5.9 minute turns, 365 turns a year.
-Players are only allowed to fly one ship at a time.
-Players will sign-up as either Alliance, Coalition or ISC/Pirate for the entire campaign.
-You may not switch once the server starts unless you have my permission.
-You may have one account to play each of the different races on the side you have chosen.
-It is preferred you use a variation of the same name for all your accounts so it will be known who you are.
Click here for the Webmap!Teams are: (sound effects!) To gain access to the planning and strategy forums for each side, please visit this site:
SFC2.Net and request access to either of the following usergroups:
Alliance Officer's Club,
Coalition Officers Club and the
Interstellar Concordium [/list]
Shiplist/Ftrlist: (sound effects!)Firesoul's OPPlus 4.0 shiplist installed. SG4 uses a dyna modified version of the OPPlus 4.0 shiplist where all races have use of PF and Fighters and some more SFB ships have been added. Below you will find an html web page with info on Fighters and PF's. This will be very useful to you. Please ck it out.
You will also find that while browsing the shiplist, some ships now have a lower case 'c' or 's' in front of their designations. These stand for Capital ships and Special ships.They have special build rules and restrictions. Please check below under CnC and OoB for more information.[/List]
Server Downloads: (sound effect!)SG4 uses an easy one click installer/uninstaller that will not overwrite, change or alter in any way your stock files. It is an innocuous install under 6MB's and once uninstalled you will never know it has been there. Please thank Bonk for this wonderful feature. Please ck this thread: for feedback and post your comments there:
Test and Feedback Thread. For those of you new to the Dynaverse, you may need the
Directory Server Updater that will allow you to see the list of servers that are currently running. [/list]
SGO4 Server Installer: Patch installer: http://fire.prohosting.com/astinky/SGO4/SGO4upd18.exe OR
Full Installer: http://fire.prohosting.com/astinky/SGO4/SGO4.exe OR (Mirror)
How to sign in to play: A player's name MUST Start with an alpha character, not a numeric number. The remaining name may consist of alpha numeric symbols (A to Z, 0 to 9). Players may use a hyphen ( - ) or underscore ( _ ) if they wish, but use of any other symbol or character (Space bar, !, $, *, ], period, %, etc) can not be used. These characters can cause server or server utility problems.
Alliance: [li]To play as Federation, sign in as Federation.[/li]
[li]To play as Gorn, sign in as Gorn.[/li]
[li]To play as Mirak or Hydran (Mirdrans), sign in as Hydran.[/li]
[li]To play as Tholian, sign in as Mirak.[/li][/list]
Coalition: [li]To play as Klingon or Lyran, sign in as Klingon.[/li]
[li]To play as Romulan, sign in as Romulan.[/li][/list]
Pacification Forces: [li]To play as ISC, sign in as ISC.[/li]
[li]To play as a Pirate, sign in as Lyran.[/li]
Order of Battle/Command and Control Rules, Ship and Ftr/PF Rules:(OoB/CnC): Please click on your particular faction below for more detailed information:
Line of Supply (LoS): There are Two Types
Type ONE LoS, for purposes of capturing hexes, is defined as a 1 hex wide uninterrupted line of allied hexes between an allied planet or base hex to the hex being captured.
(In Fig 1 below, the Hydrans have fullfilled Type ONE LoS in capturing the Klingon Planet in the lower left.) If you do not have a Type ONE LoS to a hex, it may not be captured.
(Note - this does not prevent you from attacking hexes not in a LoS. See Deeptrikes below.)[/list]
- Fig 1.

Type TWO LoS, for purposes of Counting VC's, is defined as 2 hex wide uninterrupted lines of allied hexes between an allied Homeworld hex to the VC hex in question.
(In Fig 2 below, the Hydrans have fullfilled Type TWO LoS to the Klingon Planet in the lower left in order to obtain VC's for it.) If you do not have a Type TWO LoS to a VC hex at the time VC's are counted, despite the VC hex being under your control, the VC's will not be awarded.
- Fig 2.

*Note - The ISC are not required to trace a line back to their Homeworld as required of the Alliance and Coalition for counting VC's. It is enough for them to simply control the VC hex for it to count.
Tholians: Tholian Rules: for more details.[/list]
*Only known Alliance players may use a Tholian account. No incognito accounts, please.
*There can never be more than 5 Tholian players online at any one time.
*Thols may operate no further than 4 hexes from their starting border and are subject to the deepstrike rule.
*Thols are limited to capturing hexes no further than 2 from their starting border.
*Other Alliance races are NOT allowed to enter Original Tholian home space for any reason at any time, ever.
All about Bases: (sound effects!)-Bases have been revised as they will be destructible. They are slightly more powerful than stock bases now, so beware.
-A Base may not be placed
in or
adjacent to another base or planet.
-While placing a base, at the start of the mission, you
must be in compliance with
LoS Rule ONE. (See above)[/list]
Deepstrikes: (sound effects!)If you draft or are drafted into a PvP in a hex that has no
Allied or
Neutral hexes adjacent to it at the time of the draft, then you
may not disengage and must
fight to the death.
See ISC and Romulan Special Rules Below***[/list]
Disengagement/Destruction Rule: (sound effects!)If you are forced to Disengage in a PvP match, then you are banned from the hex you either took the mission in or were drafted in for '15' turns, about 1hr. 30 mins. If your ship was destroyed then you are banned from that hex for '5' turns, about 30 mins. A turn is about 6 minutes.
ISC/Pirate and Romulan Special Disengagement Rules: (sound effects!)The ISC have a slight technological advantage in most starship systems compared to other empires, notably the ISC's ship based sensors which have a greater and more accurate detection range. This enables them to find the holes in enemy detection nets when operating behind enemy lines and aids in their evasion and escape of intercepting enemy forces.
Pirates also have an advantage in their knowledge and familiarity with trade routes, Pirate cartel havens and special information sources on the whereabouts of enemy ship patrols. These advanatges will be represented in tactical combat as follows:
ISC and Pirate ships will be exempt from the
Deepstrikes rule defined above so long as they draft or are drafted in a Neutral Zone hex (any 10, 11 or 25 econ hex). This is abated, however, if at the time of the draft the ISC player is in or adjacent to an enemy Planet or Base hex. This takes into account the Base's/Planet's sensors being much more powerful than an ISC ship thus preventing them from evading detection and getting away.
The Romulans also have an advatage in evading their enemies. It lies within their use of the Cloaking Device, or to any ship with a cloaking device. The ship must be fully cloaked as it begins crossing over the red disengagement line in tactical combat and remain cloaked (T-Bomb Flashing doesn't count) as it warps away until the mission ends so long as it is not tractored by an enemy ship in order to be exempt from the
Deepstrikes rule. This is abated, however, if at the time of the draft the Rom player is in or adjacent to an enemy Planet or Base hex. This takes into account the Base's/Planet's sensors being very powerful and allowing detection of nearby cloaked ships thus preventing them from evading detection and getting away.[/list]
Ship Replacement/Ship cost: (sound effects!)When your ship is destroyed, you will get an 80% ship loss. However, most ships will be fairly innexpensive and the shipyards will cycle frequently.
Builds, Ship Assignments and Transfers: If a player is assigned a ship by their RM, then this will be posted on the
***SGO4 Builds, Ship Assignments and Transfers*** thread. Once every 12 hours at noon and midnight, ship transfers may be posted by the A/RM's. Even tho you you may be assigned a special ship, doesnt mean you have to fly it. You may sell it and fly something else, then rebuy it, or use a different account. Also, one player may be assigned ships from other races.[/list]
General Rules: (sound effects!)Do not post accusations about players in the forums or in the IRC Chat. If you have a complaint or believe a player is in violation of the rules, contact your Race Moderator (RM) or Assistant RM via e-mail or private message. Please remember to save any screenshots or films you may have to support your claim.
Alt+F4'ing out of a mission is prohibited. The exception to this rule is if all players involved in the battle agree to its usage (taking a screenshot, F12, of the agreement is recommended). Examples of when an Alt+F4 should be agreed to and used are:
- Mission bugs, to include the "Host Left, New Host ____" appears at start.
- Allies showing as enemies.
- Serious game lag.
- Other scripting anomalies.
Draft dodging is not permitted. If drafted by another player, you must accept the draft.
Forfeiting missions to move around on the map is not permitted.
Always show common courtesy to all other players. Abusive players will be banned.
During some missions, a player's name may not be indicated on their ship. If you suspect you are playing against a human, type a greeting (i.e. hail, in, hello, etc) in the chat. All other human players are required to immediately respond with a text chat greeting.
No avoiding missions you do not like or do not want to take by logging off then back on.
When playing a game against the AI in a neutral hex, you may not immediately disengage unless returning from battle seriously damaged and in need of dry dock. Try and play out the mission if possible.
Fight or Flight. When in a mission with a human opponent, fight or leave. Do not lead your opponents around the map wasting their time. It is recognized that there are many good run and chase strategies (saber dancing, plasma ballet, etc) but staying on the battlefield with no intentions of fighting is not one of them.
If you are having a bad connection and either dropping a lot or causing your opponents to constantly drop, we ask that you stop playing for a while and try again later. If your connection continues to cause problems we ask that you confine yourself to an area where you will not constantly draft or be drafted by other players until you get a better connection.
If you die in a mission with a human opponent, stay until the mission is complete. Consider it a penalty for dying that you must stay and watch the rest of your allies be destroyed, or the rest of your allies whoop some butt!
If the server crashes during a PvP mission, all players must stay in the mission and fight it out (or disengage or die or all of the above...) The results of the mission still count for VC and disengagment rule purposes. If a player loses his or her ship in such a mission, he/she must self-destruct in the same hex immediately upon logging back on to the server to correct both the shiploss and the DV change.
Rule Harassment: Some of the rules will be difficult to follow given the nature of this game. Players are expected to do their best in every situation. However it is not acceptable to harass other players about the rules. We do expect all players to help others become aware of the rules in a friendly manner. If you are having a problem with a player who refuses to follow them, send your RM or ARM an email describing it. Please use screenshots (F12 key) as evidence. Harassing a player because they are not following these rules or for any other reason is not acceptable. Please remember everyone is just trying to enjoy themselves and that this is a game.