Topic: BSG VIPER MkII WIP 14/01/05  (Read 4432 times)

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Offline stewiedude

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Re: BSG VIPER MkII WIP 14/01/05
« Reply #20 on: January 14, 2005, 09:58:14 am »

About 80% done, nearing completion.... Just a bit of the back and a bit more weathering ..  :)

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Re: BSG VIPER MkII WIP 14/01/05
« Reply #21 on: January 14, 2005, 11:58:37 am »
Stewie i think this is your best work yet that ship looks like its real just needs some panel lines on the wings and engine cowels and it would look perfect

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Re: BSG VIPER MkII WIP 14/01/05
« Reply #22 on: January 14, 2005, 12:01:31 pm »
Thanks dude... panel lines comin up  ;)

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Re: BSG VIPER MkII WIP 14/01/05
« Reply #23 on: January 14, 2005, 12:05:46 pm »
Awesome work dude!! ;D

On a side note...watched the BSG movie last weekend, and was disappointed in that it seems they replaced the energy weapons with projectile weapons...I mean, they're flippin' around, sprayin' and prayin'. :(

Back to this fine piece of work...when's she ready?! ;D
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Offline stewiedude

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Re: BSG VIPER MkII WIP 14/01/05
« Reply #24 on: January 14, 2005, 12:18:51 pm »
I'll have her ready for download either sat or sun  :)

Offline S33K100

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Re: BSG VIPER MkII WIP 14/01/05
« Reply #25 on: January 14, 2005, 02:36:18 pm »
Lookin fantastic as usual Stewie, can't see from the front obviously but will this one have glowy engines like in the show? If I may just comment while you're doing the weathering, make sure you add quite heavy scorch marks around the thruster vents and scaring from battle-damage in various places, in the series the Vipers are really badly beat-up compared to when they were 'as-new' in the mini-series. Maybe that could be a second version with a lighter-weathered version that hasn't seen all the extra use or something.

Sandman: if you don't like spray'n'pray you should check the episode where they have to retake one of the ships (a prison ship where there's been a prisoner mutiny) Starbuck and a team of marines does an SAS style infiltration and it turns out Starbuck is a crackshot sniper. Plus it's got that guy from TOS BSG, the one who played Apollo I think. He's the leader of the mutiny.
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S33K100: formerly Marauth

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Re: BSG VIPER MkII WIP 14/01/05
« Reply #26 on: January 15, 2005, 06:09:24 pm »
Bumping for new info on this and the Cobra from the other thread (that was a v. cool original design).

BTW Stewie before you release this, never noticed before but upon closer inspection of the ref-pics there're a few minor mesh details you missed, the front and back of the wings have some kind of running lights, and the thruster vents at the sides (they look like mesh detail if they're not then that's some fine texturing) are too far back and there are 4 per side - two near the top and two near the bottom. Plus there're 3 giant vents on the underside of the nose tip and 4 large vents on the underside rear near the main engines, 4 on the outer sides of the centre engine (2 left side and 2 right side) and 2 vents on top of each of the left/right engines. This might seem rather anal-retentive and minor but given how much detail and accuracy you've poured into the rest of the ship it'd be a shame to leave these things which can be easily added/changed. If you've already done those things since the last pic which you probably have and I'm just being paranoid then huzzah for Stewie.
« Last Edit: January 15, 2005, 06:33:07 pm by Marauth »
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S33K100: formerly Marauth

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Re: BSG VIPER MkII WIP 14/01/05
« Reply #27 on: January 16, 2005, 07:58:12 am »
Now that's HOT, just saw the new BSG mini-series for the first time while back in the states. I can't get Sci-Fi channel where I am  :( . It'll be great to have all the ships from the show in SFC.

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Re: BSG VIPER MkII WIP 14/01/05
« Reply #28 on: January 16, 2005, 10:52:12 pm »
Really really clean, man; very nice.

Does anyone know whether or not anyone is going to make the capital ships as well? Blasphemous I may be, but I actually watched the movie and a few episodes, and I couldnt take my eyes off it.... all the ships were fantastic, really..
Do you think you could tackle them, Stewiedude?
I enjoyed both versions of the Viper also, the new one is pretty nice too.... your rendering is excellent, again. I look forward to the lower-poly version myself, heh heh.

Offline markyd

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Re: BSG VIPER MkII WIP 14/01/05
« Reply #29 on: January 17, 2005, 03:34:47 pm » - here the confession lies..

Anyway, love me or hate me... the model is mine, it is pretty mutch finished, just need to make the lower poly model before the release.. Im gonna be busy though for the next 9 weeks, Bloody army promotion courses, but I will have it released soon....

Again apologise for the stewie thang, but its all said in the above link.

Glad you like the model and thanks for the comments,

OH... and I am thinking about hitting the galactica, the problem is... I LOVE HIGHER POLY.  So we shall seee  ;)

Laterz peeps

Offline S33K100

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Re: BSG VIPER MkII WIP 14/01/05
« Reply #30 on: January 18, 2005, 02:51:20 pm »
Meh, I don't care one way or another you do brilliant work. Needless to say the thought of a high poly Galactica makes me want to watch the miniseries on DVD again. I hope they put the first series out soon or I may have to torrent it.

Don't worry about anyone pestering you and try and have fun on the army promotion course ;)
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S33K100: formerly Marauth

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Re: BSG VIPER MkII WIP 14/01/05
« Reply #31 on: January 19, 2005, 07:22:33 am »
Kudus for the admission.

I don't think anyone can really complain or criticise what you've done.  There is a lot of pressure placed on people to complete projects they're working on in there own time.  To my mind we've all got enough demands on our lives to contend with, without this spoiling what really is an avenue for personal recreation and relaxation - it's a bonus that others are interested in what people are doing, and want to use what's been created, but for many people, that is not the primary motivation behind the creation process.

As far as a release of the new BSG series goes, in the UK, DVD releases are scheduled to commence on 28 March 2005... Looks like the series is going to be split rather than released as a single box set  :-\  "Part 1" will consist of 4 disks. RRP £49.99.


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Re: BSG VIPER MkII WIP 14/01/05
« Reply #32 on: January 19, 2005, 11:03:47 am »
Seriously ,
I don't hang out in the moddelers forums here much, but it's got to be a alot
of work to do some of the stuff you guys do.
If someone's giving you a hard time about getting something done for them I'd just tell them
to screw off. (Can I say that here?)
Don't worry about the second name thing, take abreak, get your promotion course done.

(And when will this be ready for SFC2?  ;D -sorry couldn't resist)
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Offline markyd

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Re: BSG VIPER MkII WIP 14/01/05
« Reply #33 on: January 19, 2005, 11:11:51 am »
Guys you comments are greatly appreciated thank you all..

In respect to the SFC2 Release, I have no Idea how to convert ships to SFC2, I only know 3, however the model will be released with the 3ds max file also, so it can be easily kitbashed and converted to whatever format chosen...

Again thank you guys,  :)

Now off back to work, Ranges tonight... lets see how many targets I can miss!!!  ;)