When I get the money Fri, or even sooner, it will go live then. Till then, I have a list of demands...
I need all the RM's to report in.
I need est. player numbers from each RM.
I need all the Wild Geese to PM me.
I need to know what the builds will be for the 1st round.
I need player assignments posted.
I need the 3 bounty names for all 3 sides.
I'm not doing a bit of this on my own. I am busy with other things. If it's done by Fri, then mb we will go live fri. Otherwise we wait.
I'll host all the relevant threads tonight after the RM's report in. If they dont report in we all wait.
Also, the RM's should have already gone theu their lists and decided what needs to be trimmed. Not all can be removed, but u'd best pass it by DH to make sure your yards arnt full of sh*t.