Topic: HELP!  (Read 2020 times)

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Offline E_Look

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« on: January 19, 2005, 12:03:39 am »
I fired up my SFC1 after slum... uh, reading the forums tonight and got a rude shock.  It wouldn't load.  It said "Loading" but after one second, it CTDs.  It turns out somehow my config file got corrupted.  So I tweaked it back to the right screen resolution and it ran.


now, after I close the game, it doesn't just go back to desktop, but GIVES ME THREE PAGES OF PREVIEW ADS FOR THE RELEASE OF SFC1 IN 1999!!!  I know, I know, some of you would just eat it up, but it annoys me and can't figure out how to turn it off so it behaves as it used to.  If someone can advise, I'd really be grateful.  (There's got to be some software toggle command I can input somewhere!)

Oh, yeah, I knew something was up after I tried to restart the computer and SCANDISK kicked in to correct about a jillion errors before actually rebooting.  _AND_ this seems to have just happened right after I downloaded some Win XP updates last night (again after logging off this site... it is you guys??).

Offline Javora

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« Reply #1 on: January 19, 2005, 12:26:07 pm »
I don't have SFC 1 myself (the only one I don't have) so I'm not sure what to say except you may want to uninstall/reinstall the game.  Unless you can find the preview files which are more than likely just text files and then delete them.  If you do end up uninstalling and reinstalling the game remember to move your saved games to another folder then move them back when you are done.

As for the Scandisk errors I have never heard of a Windows update causing this and I certainly don't see a Windows update corrupting SFC 1.  When was the last time you defraged the drive?  If it has been a while you might want to give that a try.  Other than that just keep an eye on it for now and keep your backups up to date.  If you keep having problems with disk errors, you could be looking at a bad hard drive.  Hope this helps.

Offline E_Look

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« Reply #2 on: January 19, 2005, 10:35:51 pm »
Well, the defrag, while good for the rest of my disk, didn't do much for SFC1.  I guess I'll have to go through the laborious process of saving or backing up my models and sfbspc13 or whatever the heck it's called, before I uninstall.

Jav, I have another question- I'll save it for PM.