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Topic: The PPD Rule  (Read 44858 times)

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Offline KHH Jakle

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Re: The PPD Rule
« Reply #140 on: January 13, 2005, 07:57:19 am »
I didn't have time to elaborate earlier so...

I would like to see PPD deployment a little looser in configuration choice not so much numbers. I think it should be scaled by the size of the commanding ship, but not restricted to that ship. This would allow for more imaginative fleet formations for the ISC. For example:

If the largest ship in the fleet is of CL(CM) class, then one PPD is allowed for a fleet of three.

If the largest ship in the fleet is of CA class, then two PPD's are allowed for a fleet of three.

If the largest ship in the fleet is of CC class, then three PPD's are allowed for a fleet of three.

If the largest ship in the fleet is of DN(BB) class, then four PPD's are allowed for a fleet of three.

If we allow the ISC to selectively place the PPD's where they like instead of just the Command ship they can use the Strike Cruiser more and not have to waste it on a Command slot for example (DNT, CSZ, CLZ comes to mind). Scaling it makes sense as larger fleet configs would be more prone to the heavier firepower as per SFB doctrine. Its not really that complicated as you only have to identify what size class you are in by your largest ship and follow the guidelines.

The way I read this....this just sounds like another way of saying the original rule.  Not exactly, but close enough.

I know my method of translating things might make perfect sense to me, but to others it is clear as mud.  So if this is clear, to everybody, more so than:

"Limited to the PPD's on the Lead Ship plus 1 PPD on a 2nd ship"

I am totally cool with this format.  Sorry for not reading it sooner.  What can I say - I've been busy with other things.

Offline Corbomite

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Re: The PPD Rule
« Reply #141 on: January 13, 2005, 09:29:22 am »
It is similar and in the spirit of the original rule (which is what you want I believe), but has significant differences. Since the ISC have no Command Variants below the CC class, the SFB rule leaves things too loose at the lower end. I explained that earlier, but will post it again for expediency:

It (my rule) limits the total number of PPD's to 4 and makes sure smaller caliber fleets cannot get too many PPD's for their size and composition. The original rule would allow for 3 PPD's in a CL sized fleet and 5 in a dred sized fleet. Mine would allow for 1 and 4 respectively. The original rule would allow for 3 PPD's in a CA sized fleet. Mine would allow for 2. This allows for imaginative fleet options,  doesn't restrict the use of any one ship or ship type and limits PPD deployment.

At the CC level is where they meet, allowing 3 PPD's for a fleet of three.

I believe this rule with a lowering of average TBPV's (averaging 425 - 475ish) will make it more challenging for the ISC and more fair for everyone else.
« Last Edit: January 13, 2005, 10:01:21 am by Corbomite »

Offline Kroma BaSyl

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Re: The PPD Rule
« Reply #142 on: January 18, 2005, 01:00:33 pm »
I didn't have time to elaborate earlier so...

I would like to see PPD deployment a little looser in configuration choice not so much numbers. I think it should be scaled by the size of the commanding ship, but not restricted to that ship. This would allow for more imaginative fleet formations for the ISC. For example:

If the largest ship in the fleet is of CL(CM) class, then one PPD is allowed for a fleet of three.

If the largest ship in the fleet is of CA class, then two PPD's are allowed for a fleet of three.

If the largest ship in the fleet is of CC class, then three PPD's are allowed for a fleet of three.

If the largest ship in the fleet is of DN(BB) class, then four PPD's are allowed for a fleet of three.

If we allow the ISC to selectively place the PPD's where they like instead of just the Command ship they can use the Strike Cruiser more and not have to waste it on a Command slot for example (DNT, CSZ, CLZ comes to mind). Scaling it makes sense as larger fleet configs would be more prone to the heavier firepower as per SFB doctrine. Its not really that complicated as you only have to identify what size class you are in by your largest ship and follow the guidelines.

The way I read this....this just sounds like another way of saying the original rule.  Not exactly, but close enough.

My thinking exactly, Corbo's rule is fine but the original rule was simpler and gave you pretty much the same results.
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Offline Corbomite

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Re: The PPD Rule
« Reply #143 on: January 18, 2005, 08:39:53 pm »

