Hi, I know that RAGE is bashing some stock SFCIII pirate ships for his MOD. He should have some pics at his site soon.
That was supposed to be a secret, but I guess I'll post a couple pics here too.
I haven't decided what ship class they'll be, but I'm thinking the first one will be the CA. I still have to finish the textures on both of these.
I'd also like to mention that the Cloak & Dagger web site will be going offline by June 6th. If someone has some free time and would like to transfer the ships from our site to Battleclinic to do so. I started to, but I just don't have the time. I got the Mirak, K'tinga multi-pack and the Galaxy Class variants uploaded. I think that leaves the rest of the Fed ships, the hosted ships of Khalee and Jeff Wallace, Star Wars and a Stargate X303 model. We're trying to scrape up a few bucks to get new web space so that we can put up a new site, but we're still a few dollars shy. We'll eventually get something up and running again, we just don't know when.