Try here Chris ............
Got to the archieves and you may find what you're looking for
I appreciate that MP (I really do), but that wasn't exactly what I was looking for. What I was looking for were
these Hydran models (the links are broken, but the pics aren't so I'm using the link as a pic reference). Any alternative way to get 'em? *shrug* Thu11s also made some SFC stock-looking kitbashes for the Lyrans (and LDR) and some
SFB-style Gorn (again, broken links but working pics). I have only some of these models (I forgot which of each, but I don't believe I have any of his old Lyrans, to which I prefer as opposed to his new Lyran/LDR models (which are still fantastic).
anyone has any of these, I would appreciate it if you could send 'em to me.
Also, I've
uploaded some parts of my model collection which some people asked for. As I stated in that thread I just linked to, I just wanted to lend a hand to the community in some small way such as that.
I noticed people kept asking for some Constitution-class models they had wanted to get, ships like these:

I've included them in my collection to begin with, which'll slowly-but-surely grow in time. You can grab them from here:'s%20SFC%20Model%20Collection/