Designation: R-SBPR[BPV: 805
Crew: 224
Marines: 50
Shield 1: 80
Shield 2 & 6: 80
Shield 3 & 5: 80
Shield 4: 80
Total Shields: 480
Movement Cost:
Turn Mode: G
Total Warp Power: 0
Impulse Power:
Aux Power: 95
Total Engine Power: 0
Battery: 44
Transporters: 22
Tractors: 12
Mech Tractors: 18
Shuttles: 12
Fighters: 4 (4x Ph1's, 4x PlaD's, 16x PlaF's)
3x Plasma S
6x Plasma R
3x Plasma D
8x Phaser 1
12x Phaser 3
12x Phaser 4
Designation: I-SBFR[BPV: 863
Crew: 224
Marines: 50
Shield 1: 80
Shield 2 & 6: 80
Shield 3 & 5: 80
Shield 4: 80
Total Shields: 480
Movement Cost:
Turn Mode: G
Total Warp Power: 0
Impulse Power:
Aux Power: 95
Total Engine Power: 0
Battery: 44
Transporters: 22
Tractors: 12
Mech Tractors:
Shuttles: 12
Fighters: 16 (16x Ph3's, 16x PlaF's)
2x Plasma S
4x Plasma R
3x Plasma D
8x Phaser 1
12x Phaser 3
12x Phaser 4
8x PPD
You'll see the main difference is that the Rom has 2x more R's and an S where the ISC have 8 PPD's.
The Rom base is much tougher, imo, cuz with only 2 more R's it is imperative you stay outside 25k. This is where the bases's shield reinforcement, labs and standoff ability give it ther edge when it comes to how patient you are willing to be to see when it runs out of Plasam shells...

Otherwise if you close, your shield reinforcement is gonna go and you die. Tracey and I found out the hard way when my F-BB was gutted right when I thought the Starbase was damaged enough to get in close and finish it, boy was I surprised. Tracey's BB barely managed to take it out... She was under 20 power and had few weapons left and no shields... Woulda been a different stiory had we known what DH now knows that a base can take a licking and keep on ticking. Dont get close to it until you KNOW its safe to do so...
Ecen with 4x R's the ISC base demands respect under 25k where the R torp is effective. If you get past those 4x then the 8 PPD's will get you killed pretty quick depending on how close you get.