Ever since we got a dog, we don't goto the malls much cuz the dog is stuck in the car.
"Oooh!! We can't leave poor little puppy dog in the car while we shop...we gotta go!! we gotta go!!"
Karnak executes "Dog defeats SR's mall cravings" plan with perfection.
*trumpets blare glorious TADAs*
But, now we are always going to PetsMart so SR can buy new doggie toys that are guaranteed to be chewed up into oblivion within 30 minutes of usage. In addition, THE DOG also goes P00P on PetMarts floor in front of all those strangers.

SR: "You gotta pick that up, you know *snicker*"
THE DOG Stikes Back and executes "Dog takes Master for a walk at PetsMart" plan with perfection.
*trumpets blare victorious Arf, Arf!!*
Plan B is to go to the dog park. There THE DOG rolls in muds and occasionally gets in dogfights with SR anxiously prodding me to get that 80 pound Pit Bull off my mischievious 55 pound Lab. Then, it's SR prodding me to pick up all the dog slobbered over tennis balls in the dog park just so THE DOG can go play chase the ball again while I get tendonitis in my right elbow. Plus, THE DOG never brings back the ball all the way but instead dumps it about halfway back. So, SR is now prodding me to go down the hilll to go get the balls FULL OF DOG SLOBBER!!

THE DOG piles on and executes "Dog runs Master ragged, with an assist from SR, at the dog park" plan with perfection.
*trumpets blare victorious Arf, Arf, Woof, Woof!!*
Plan C: Shopping is not that bad after all...now, if they only served Purina Puppy Chow at the Mall Food Court

THE DOG: "Arf!! Arf!!"
Karnak: "Here, have another tasty treat even though you won't bring the ball back next time"