Topic: New!!!! Post TNG Federation Eden-Class  (Read 3730 times)

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Re: New!!!! Post TNG Federation Eden-Class
« Reply #20 on: March 08, 2005, 01:48:01 am »
Well, when will someone make this ship? lol.  Seriously this ship rocks!

For the Vorcha issue, Starship Spotter says...

"Some aspects of the Vor'cha class design reflect Starfleet technologies exchanged during the years of détente.  The Starfleet influence can be seen in the Bussard collectors mounted on the forward ends of the nacelles.  However, these collectors are supplemental to the ram intakes on the wings."

So was the Vor'cha designed by both Klingon and Fed designers, or was the Vor'cha inspired by Fed designs and technology?
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Offline Darkseid

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Re: New!!!! Post TNG Federation Eden-Class
« Reply #21 on: March 08, 2005, 12:58:11 pm »
Well, when will someone make this ship? lol.  Seriously this ship rocks!

For the Vorcha issue, Starship Spotter says...

"Some aspects of the Vor'cha class design reflect Starfleet technologies exchanged during the years of détente.  The Starfleet influence can be seen in the Bussard collectors mounted on the forward ends of the nacelles.  However, these collectors are supplemental to the ram intakes on the wings."

So was the Vor'cha designed by both Klingon and Fed designers, or was the Vor'cha inspired by Fed designs and technology?

This is the entire report from Starship Spotter...

     The primary fighting vessel of the Klingon Defense Force, the Vor’cha class attack cruiser is often seen as the flagship in fleets held by the Great Houses of the Empire.  One of the first major applications of new shipbuilding technologies to the Klingon fleet after the K’t’inga class of the late twenty-third century, the Vor’cha class carries with it the responsibility of continuing to demonstrate Klingon military strength and readiness.  A multi-mission vessel, the Vor’cha class functions primarily as a combat vessel, and its structure and design are geared for efficient combat capability.

     The general design of the Vor’cha class echoes traditional Klingon configurations, with a smaller command hull on the forward end of a long boom, connected to a wide secondary hull with warp nacelles mounted outboard.  The forward command hull contains a powerful disruptor cannon, one of the largest ship-mounted weapons.  As is typical for Klingon vessels, the Vor’cha class attack cruiser is equipped with a cloaking device for stealth mode travel.  Some aspects of the Vor'cha class design reflect Starfleet technologies exchanged during the years of détente.  The Starfleet influence can be seen in the Bussard collectors mounted on the forward ends of the nacelles.  However, these collectors are supplemental to the ram intakes on the wings.

     Klingons do not typically design new classes of warship entirely from scratch.  By the early twenty-fourth century, the Empire discovered that the long-used D-7 battle cruisers were quickly becoming outmoded, as both Starfleet and the Romulans developed larger and more powerful ships.  The Klingon Empire decided to develop a new and much more powerful cruiser.  This Vor’cha class quickly brought the Klingons back up to parity with both the United Federation of Planets and the Romulan Star Empire.
     While the recently developed, larger Negh’Var class vessel is more powerful, the Vor’cha class continues as the most utilized starship throughout the Klingon Empire.  The Vor’cha class remains the easiest and fastest ship to deploy to trouble-spots.  Utilized successfully throughout countless combat offensives during the Dominion War, the Vor’cha class has proudly and honorably served as a primary instrument in the Klingon Defense Force.

     Overall Length: 481.3 m
     Overall Beam: 341.8 m
     Overall Draft: 106.9 m
Displacement: 2,238,000 metric tons
Crew Complement: 1,900 persons
     Cruising: Warp 6
     Maximum: Warp 9.6
     Rest-Onset Critical Momentum: 5.85 sec
     Onset Critical Momentum-Warp Engage: 1.48 sec
     Warp 1 - Warp 4: 1.02 sec
     Warp 4 - Warp 6: 075 sec
     Warp 6 - Warp 9.6: 3.43 sec
     Standard Mission: 2 years
     Recommended Yard Overhaul: 6 years
Propulsion Systems:
     Warp: (2) STN8S Dilithium Conversion Graf Units
     Impulse: (2) Hydrogen Energy Impulse Units
     18 Gravitic Disruptor Mounts
     3 'etlh'a' Type Photon Torpedo Tubes
Primary Computer System: Ku-Tan Level 20 Central Processor
Primary Navigation System: Advanced Hov' buS Vector and Tensor Analysis System
Deflector Systems: 16 Deflector Plating and Field Generation System
Embarked Craft (Typical):
     12 General Utility Craft
     25 Shuttlecraft (various classes)
"Humanity's homeworld had withstood centuries of attempts at self-destruction, but soon the aliens would amass a fleet and make all their struggles moot."


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Re: New!!!! Post TNG Federation Eden-Class
« Reply #22 on: March 08, 2005, 02:13:54 pm »
I love this design, makes me wish i had drawn it mate, im having designers envy, its got good lines, an interesting structure.