These D-7 variants are beautiful.
As for the direction this thread has taken, I'm mildly disquietened. I remember Atra's dismissal from these forums, and to date I remain oblivious as to the reasons. To be frank, I'm not overly interested in the back story, it is irrelevant and his ejection from these forums remains a moot point for good or ill. My personal feelings are that he has been censored for whatever reason and as a result we have lost a valuable member of the community as his talent is unquestionable.
In adopting the word 'forum' to describe discussion areas like this, it should be remembered where the word comes from and it's purpose... It is a public venue or platform for open, uncensored, debate, discussion and expression of ideas, theories, philosophies and concepts. Not everyone has the same ideas, beliefs or ideals - but everyone is entitled to express and share them and subsequently we can agree or disagree with them without the need to condemn or pilory. I feel this is sometimes forgotten, and that personal differences are allowed to come to the fore and cloud situations, we're none of us perfect, so it can happen easily.
Personalities will blend and clash, as in all areas of life - if someone has an issue with someone else, it's easy to become bogged down with past disagreements or become weighed down with personal grudges. They are a waste of energy and counter-productive (just look at how much time has been (mis)spent replying to this one thread!!) We need to learn to get over it and get on with the more important stuff. Also remember that the written word is easily open to misinterpretation, particularly in a cross cultural arena where people's command of the written word is demonstrably questionable. Our own frame of mind can also have a bearing on our interpretation of what we read. What may appear to be a sleight, could have been intended as an innoccuous remark.
For good and ill, politics are a polarising and thorny bed, and utterly irrelevant to the modelling forum. From my observations, most who use this particular board agree. There have been no real flashpoints. A few unfortunate turns of phrase, yes; some instances of robust discussion and debate, yes, but nothing truly venal, and nothing that can't be forgiven or forgotten. For the most part, we agree, and get on with what we're doing - concentrating on our projects, sharing experiences and techniques and helping one another out where we can and embracing new members into the fold - using this resource as it was intended.
Perhaps one day, the decision to ban Atra will be rescinded, perhaps not. In the meantime, forget the furore generated elsewhere, and recognise that in this arena, it is his (and our own) work that iis important.
<slips soapbox back into cupboard>