Topic: SG4 Rules, Builds, Race Details, and all that other stuff... ver 1.1  (Read 3550 times)

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Offline Dizzy

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Welcome to Slave Girls IV: Revenge of the Orion Slave Girls! (click!)[/url]

-SG4 kicks off Jan. 22nd at 12:01pm Est/11:01am ctrl and will run for three weeks concluding on Feb. 12 or 13th.
-The server starts in year 2271 and runs at a pace of 2 game years every three days.
-Players are only allowed to fly one ship at a time.
-Players will sign-up as either Alliance, Coalition or ISC/Pirate for the entire campaign.
-You may not switch once the server starts unless you have my permission.
-You may have one account to play each of the different races on the side you have chosen.
-It is preferred you use a variation of the same name for all your accounts so it will be known who you are.

Teams are:

    To gain access to the planning and strategy forums for each side, please visit this site:
SFC2.Net and request access to either of the following usergroups: Alliance Officer's Club, Coalition Officers Club and the Interstellar Concordium [/list]


    You must have
Firesoul's OPPlus 4.0 installed. SG4 uses a dyna modified version of this shiplist where all races have use of PF and Fighters and some more SFB ships have been added. Below you will find an html web page with info on Fighters and PF's. This will be very useful to you. Please ck it out. [/List]


Server Downloads: (sound effect!)

    SG4 uses an easy one click installer/uninstaller that will not overwrite, change or alter in any way your stock files. It is an innocuous install under 6MB's and once uninstalled you will never know it has been there. Please thank Bonk for this wonderful feature. Please ck this thread: for feedback and post your comments there:
Test and Feedback Thread

Test moved to to get ready to go live...
Last Edit:  January 17, 2005, 12:58:29 pm 

Installer updated:  or[/List]

How to sign in to play:

    A player's name MUST Start with an alpha character, not a numeric number. The remaining name may consist of alpha numeric symbols (A to Z, 0 to 9). Players may use a hyphen ( - ) or underscore ( _ ) if they wish, but use of any other symbol or character (Space bar, !, $, *, ], period, %, etc) can not be used.  These characters can cause server or server utility problems. 


    [li]To play as Federation, sign in as Federation.[/li]
    [li]To play as Gorn, sign in as Gorn.[/li]
    [li]To play as Mirak or Hydran (Mirdrans), sign in as Hydran.[/li]
    [li]To play as Tholian, sign in as Mirak.[/li][/list]


      [li]To play as Klingon or Lyran, sign in as Klingon.[/li]
      [li]To play as Romulan, sign in as Romulan.[/li][/list]

        Pacification Forces:

        [li]To play as ISC, sign in as ISC.[/li]
        [li]To play as a Pirate, sign in as Lyran.[/li]

        Order of Battle/Command and Control Rules, Ship and Ftr/PF Rules:(OoB/CnC):

          Please click on your particular faction below for more detailed information:

        Line of Supply (LoS):   There are Two Types

          Type ONE LoS, for purposes of capturing hexes, is defined as a 1 hex wide uninterrupted line of allied hexes between an allied planet or base hex to the hex being captured. (In Fig 1 below, the Hydrans have fullfilled Type ONE LoS in capturing the Klingon Planet in the lower left.) If you do not have a Type ONE LoS to a hex, it may not be captured. (Note - this does not prevent you from attacking hexes not in a LoS. See Deeptrikes below.)

          • Fig 1.

            Type TWO LoS, for purposes of Counting VC's, is defined as 2 hex wide uninterrupted lines of allied hexes between an allied Homeworld hex to the VC hex in question. (In Fig 2 below, the Hydrans have fullfilled Type TWO LoS to the Klingon Planet in the lower left in order to obtain VC's for it.) If you do not have a Type TWO LoS to a VC hex at the time VC's are counted, despite the VC hex being under your control, the VC's will not be awarded.

            • Fig 2.

              *Note - The ISC are not required to trace a line back to their Homeworld as required of the Alliance and Coalition for counting VC's. It is enough for them to simply control the VC hex for it to count.

              Please see the 
            Tholian Rules: for more details.[/list]

              *Only known Alliance players may use a Tholian account. No incognito accounts, please.
              *There can never be more than 5 Tholian players online at any one time.
              *Thols may operate no further than 4 hexes from their starting border and are subject to the deepstrike rule.
              *Thols are limited to capturing hexes no further than 2 from their starting border.
              *Other Alliance races are NOT allowed to enter Original Tholian home space for any reason at any time, ever.

            All about Bases:

              -Bases have been revised as they will be destructible. They are slightly more powerful than stock bases now, so beware.
              -A Base may not be placed
            in or adjacent to another base or planet.
            -While placing a base, at the start of the mission, you must be in compliance with LoS Rule ONE. (See above)[/list]


              If you draft or are drafted into a PvP in a hex that has no
            Allied or Neutral hexes adjacent to it at the time of the draft, then you may not disengage and must fight to the death.

            ***See ISC and Romulan Special Rules Below***[/list]

            Disengagement/Destruction Rule:

              If you are forced to Disengage in a PvP match, then you are banned from the hex you either took the mission in or were drafted in for 'x' number of turns. If your ship was destroyed then you are banned from that hex for 'y' number of turns.

            ISC/Pirate and Romulan Special Disengagement Rules:

              The ISC have a slight technological advantage in most starship systems compared to other empires, notably the ISC's ship based sensors which have a greater and more accurate detection range. This enables them to find the holes in enemy detection nets when operating behind enemy lines and aids in their evasion and escape of intercepting enemy forces.

              Pirates also have an advantage in their knowledge and familiarity with trade routes, Pirate cartel havens and special information sources on the whereabouts of enemy ship patrols. These advanatges will be represented in tactical combat as follows:

              ISC and Pirate ships will be exempt from the Deepstrikes rule defined above so long as they draft or are drafted in a Neutral Zone hex (any 10 or 11 Econ hex). This is abated, however, if at the time of the draft the ISC player is in or adjacent to a Planet or Base hex. This takes into account the Base's/Planet's sensors being much more powerful than an ISC ship thus preventing them from evading detection and getting away.

              The Romulans also have an advatage in evading their enemies. It lies within their use of the Cloaking Device, or to any ship with a cloaking device. The ship must be fully cloaked as it begins crossing over the red disengagement line in tactical combat and remain cloaked (T-Bomb Flashing doesn't count) as it warps away until the mission ends so long as it is not tractored by an enemy ship in order to be exempt from the Deepstrikes rule. This is abated, however, if at the time of the draft the Rom player is in or adjacent to a Planet or Base hex. This takes into account the Base's/Planet's sensors being very powerful and allowing detection of nearby cloaked ships thus preventing them from evading detection and getting away.[/list]

              Ship Replacement/Ship cost:

                When your ship is destroyed, you will get an 80% ship loss. However, most ships will be fairly innexpensive and the shipyards will cycle frequently.

              Ship Assignments and Transfers:

                If a player is assigned a ship by their RM, then this will be posted on the
              SG4 Ship Construction/Assignment thread. Once every 12 hours at noon and midnight, ship transfers may be posted by the A/RM's. Even tho you you may be assigned a special ship, doesnt mean you have to fly it. You may sell it and fly something else, then rebuy it, or use a different account. Also, one player may be assigned ships from other races.[/list]

              General Rules:

              Do not post accusations about players in the forums or in the IRC Chat. If you have a complaint or believe a player is in violation of the rules, contact your Race Moderator (RM) or Assistant RM via e-mail or private message. Please remember to save any screenshots or films you may have to support your claim.

              Alt+F4'ing out of a mission is prohibited. The exception to this rule is if all players involved in the battle agree to its usage (taking a screenshot, F12, of the agreement is recommended). Examples of when an Alt+F4 should be agreed to and used are:

                  - Mission bugs, to include the "Host Left, New Host ____" appears at start.
                  - Allies showing as enemies.
                  - Serious game lag. 
                  - Other scripting anomalies.

              Draft dodging is not permitted. If drafted by another player, you must accept the draft.

              Forfeiting missions to move around on the map is not permitted.

              Always show common courtesy to all other players. Abusive players will be banned.

              During some missions, a player's name may not be indicated on their ship. If you suspect you are playing against a human, type a greeting (i.e. hail, in, hello, etc) in the chat.  All other human players are required to immediately respond with a text chat greeting.

              No avoiding missions you do not like or do not want to take by logging off then back on.

              When playing a game against the AI in a neutral hex, you may not immediately disengage unless returning from battle seriously damaged and in need of dry dock. Try and play out the mission if possible.

              Fight or Flight. When in a mission with a human opponent, fight or leave. Do not lead your opponents around the map wasting their time. It is recognized that there are many good run and chase strategies (saber dancing, plasma ballet, etc) but staying on the battlefield with no intentions of fighting is not one of them.

              If you are having a bad connection and either dropping a lot or causing your opponents to constantly drop, we ask that you stop playing for a while and try again later. If your connection continues to cause problems we ask that you confine yourself to an area where you will not constantly draft or be drafted by other players until you get a better connection.

              If you die in a mission with a human opponent, stay until the mission is complete. Consider it a penalty for dying that you must stay and watch the rest of your allies be destroyed, or the rest of your allies whoop some butt!

              If the server crashes during a PvP mission, all players must stay in the mission and fight it out (or disengage or die or all of the above...) The results of the mission still count for VC and disengagment rule purposes. If a player loses his or her ship in such a mission, he/she must self-destruct in the same hex immediately upon logging back on to the server to correct both the shiploss and the DV change.

              Rule Harassment: Some of the rules will be difficult to follow given the nature of this game. Players are expected to do their best in every situation. However it is not acceptable to harass other players about the rules. We do expect all players to help others become aware of the rules in a friendly manner. If you are having a problem with a player who refuses to follow them, send your RM or ARM an email describing it. Please use screenshots (F12 key) as evidence. Harassing a player because they are not following these rules or for any other reason is not acceptable. Please remember everyone is just trying to enjoy themselves and that this is a game.

              « Last Edit: January 20, 2005, 05:34:44 am by Dizzy, the Slave Girl Pimpmaster »

              Offline Dizzy

              • Captain
              • *
              • Posts: 6179
              Re: SG4 Rules, Builds, Race Details, and all that other stuff... ver 1.1
              « Reply #1 on: January 16, 2005, 11:51:52 am »
              Slave Girls IV: Revenge of the Orion Slave Girls Alliance Page![/b] (click!)[/url]

              Alliance Storyline:

              The year is 2270 and the Mirak and the Hydrans are on the verge of collapse from the brutal and savage attacks by the Lyrans and Klingons. This has forced the pacifist Federation to become involved because of their grave concern that should the Klingons seize victory, it would greatly shift the balance of power in their favor. Still reluctant to be drawn into a broad conflict, the Federation council has at least allowed military and economic aid be sent to the Mirak and Hydrans. However, even this small act was inevitable in setting the stage for war.

              But before the war was to begin, the ISC suddenly and unexpectedly occupied the Neutral Zones separating the empires and forcing a temporary and uneasy peace.

              That was a year ago. It is now 2271 and that peace has ended. The federation has mobilized their fleet into a position to counterattack the Klingons and their Lyran allies as they have driven through the ISC occupied neutral zone straight for their border. The Kirell system at 18,12 is the only thing standing in the way between them. Taking this planet will secure a resupply point and forward base of operations for the Federation to press onward their counterattack into enemy space.

              Meanwhile, the Gorn have seen reports that the Romulans will take advantage of the Federation being distracted. They highly anticipate that the Romulans will strike at any hour and the Gorn Navy is proud and willing to take the fight wherever necessary to once and for all eliminate their long loathed adversary.

              On the opposite side of the Federation are the remnants of the Hydran and Mirak fleets, battered and depleted from constant advances into their space by the Klingons and Lyrans. There has been no reprieve from their onslaught until now. The ISC have for the last year allowed what was left of these two empires to rebuild their infrastructure and reorganize their fleets so as to be of some help to the Federation when the time comes. However, the buffer the ISC have created between them and that of the Klingons is now in danger of falling into enemy hands as the klingons, with ease, have pushed through it to the edge of Federation space. Not willing to let history repeat itself, the Hydrans and Mirak consolidate their forces and decide the best defense is the best offense and begin their attack in earnest to take back what was once theirs.

              Last but not least, the Tholian navy is still a thorn in the side of the Romulans and Klingons. With the outbreak of hostilities in every direction the Tholian navy mobilizes for possible war on all fronts. Time will tell if they commit to offensive action or choose to remain isolated and defend their haven from all aggressors.


              • Only known Alliance players may use a Tholian account. No incognito accounts, please.
              • There can never be more than 5 Tholian players online at any one time.
              • Thols may operate no further than 4 hexes from their starting border and are subject to the deepstrike rule.
              • Thols are limited to capturing hexes no further than 2 from their starting border.
              • Other Alliance races are NOT allowed to enter Original Tholian home space for any reason at any time, ever.

              Tholian CnC Rules (Thols do not use BP or CP points):

              • There must be a player in a line ship for each special ship in play.
              • Only when three Tholian players are online may a BC be flown.
              • Only when four Tholian players are online may a DN be flown, but the 3 DN limit for the Alliance must be followed.
              • Only when five Tholian players are online may a DN and BC be flown at the same time.

              Tholian Ship Losses:

              • The Tholians have one each of any different type Arachno and Neo Tholian BC. Once they are lost, they are gone for the remainder of the server.
              • The Tholians have one each of any different type Arachno and Neo Tholian DN. Once they are lost, they are gone for the remainder of the server.
              • Tholians BC and DN kills are counted as VP's just like everyone else. All Tholian BC's and DN's will be treated as being worth 2 and 3 BP's respectively.

              Ship, PF/Fighter Restrictions, Order of Battle/Command and Control Rules (OoB/CnC):[/color] [/size]

                Pseudo Fighters:
                PF Spreadsheet[/list]

                • A Casual Tenders (any tender with only 2 PFs) may not recall it's PFs once launched in mission. This is to simulate the fact that casual tenders had no repair capability per SFB. This restriction does not apply to 3 and 4 PF tenders
                • Casual Tenders may carry 2 Vanilla PFs
                • Full Tenders (3 or 4 PFs): 1 Leader, 1 Special PF, 1 or 2 Vanilla PFs

                  Fighter Spreadsheet[/list]

                  • Klingons/Lyrans: No CnC
                  • Romulan/Gorn/I.S.C.: No more than 50% plasma "F" fighters.
                  • Federation: F-14 and F-15 fighters only on the CVS, F-14s only on the CVA (2 squads), DVL, and BCV.
                  • Hydran: No more than 50% Hellbores fighters.
                  • Mirak No CnC
                  • Tholian: No CnC

                  Here are the Builds for the Federation, Gorn and Mirdrans:

                    Every three days, (2 game years), there will be a Build Cycle where certain specialty ships and capital ships may be built and assigned. See Build Cycles below. Any ship that appears in the yards may be purchased and played except those designated with a preceding lower case "c" or "s" in the shipyard. More info will be posted on this later.

                  • The Federation, Gorn and Mirdrans each have 4 Build Points and 4 Conversion Points with which to spend on special and capitol ships.
                  • Unless otherwise noted, all conversion point ships cost 1 CP. These ships are represented showing a lower case 's' in front of their ship designation. Exp: F-sCFS+
                  • No more than half of the CP ships built per cycle may be of the same type ship with the one time exception where each Side gets a single build cycle waiver that they may use only once for one of their races during the server.
                  • Build cycles run once every three days at noon EST. RM's will post their builds of what it is they are building on the SG4 Ship Construction, Assignment and Transfers thread before hand.
                  • The Coalition and Alliance are both required to build at least one 3 BP ship or upgrade per cycle and/or go into Battleship construction. Battleship contruction may begin in the build cycles before the BB is due to be available as long as at least 4 BP's are consecutively spent during pre-production up to the same Build cycle the BB is available.
                  • Half of a race's total BP's rounding down may be banked for the next build cycle. CP points may not be 'banked' for expenditure for the next build cycle. They must be spent during the current cycle or be lost.
                  • The Coalition and Alliance may also select one race that may lend economic support to another race and thus transfer a single BP to that race for use during the NEXT Build Cycle.
                  • BP's may also be converted to CP's at a rate of 2 to 1. CP's may not be converted to BP's.

                    The following is a description by Class, Ship Designation and BP cost:

                    DN   F-cDVL   3      CA   F-cBCV   2      CL   F-cCLX   2
                    DN   F-cDNL   3      CA   F-cBCF   2            
                    DN   F-cDN   3      CA   F-cBCJ   2            
                    DN   F-cDN+   3      CA   F-cBCE   2            
                    DN   F-cDN+R   3      CA   F-cBCG   2            
                    DN   F-cDNW   3      CA   F-cBCS   3            
                    DN   F-cDNF   3      CA   F-cGSX   3            
                    DN   F-cDNG   3      CA   F-cCX   3            
                    DN   F-cDNH   3                        
                    DN   F-cDNM   3                        
                    DN   F-cCVA   4                        
                    DN   F-cCVA+   4                        
                    DN   F-cCVAR   4                        
                    DN   F-cSCS   4
                    BB   F-cBB   8
                    BB   F-cBBV   10


                    DN   G-cDNE   3      CA   G-cBCV   2      CL   G-cHDX   2
                    DN   G-cDN   3      CA   G-cBCH   2            
                    DN   G-cDNF   3      CA   G-cBCS   3            
                    DN   G-cDNP   3      CA   G-cCMX   3            
                    DN   G-cDNL   3      CA   G-cCCX   3            
                    DN   G-cDLF   3                        
                    DN   G-cDNM   3                        
                    DN   G-cDND   3                        
                    DN   G-cDNT   3                        
                    DN   G-cDNH   3                        
                    DN   G-cCVA   4                        
                    DN   G-cCVAF   4                        
                    BB   G-cBB   8


                    Hydran   DN   H-cTEM   3      CA   Z-cBCH   2      CL   H-cMNGX   2
                    Hydran   DN   H-cPAL   3      CA   Z-cBCHm   2      CL   H-cTARX   2
                    Hydran   DN   H-cPAL+   3      CA   Z-cBCV   2      CL   H-cBARX   2
                    Hydran   DN   H-cLGE   3      CA   Z-cBCVm   2      CL   H-cAPAX   2
                    Hydran   DN   H-cLGE+   3      CA   H-cOV   2      CL   Z-cCMX   2
                    Hydran   DN   H-cREG   3      CA   H-cOS   2      CL   Z-cCMXm   2
                    Hydran   DN   H-cDNW   3      CA   H-cOM   2      CL   Z-cCMXD   2
                    Hydran   DN   H-cDNM   3      CA   H-cRNX   3      CL   Z-cCMXDm   2
                    Hydran   DN   H-cIC   3      CA   H-cDGX   3            
                    Hydran   DN   H-cIC+   3      CA   H-cLBX   3            
                    Hydran   DN   H-cID   3      CA   Z-cBCX   3            
                    Hydran   DN   Z-cDN   3      CA   Z-cBCXm   3            
                    Hydran   DN   Z-cDN_m   3      CA   Z-cCCX   3            
                    Hydran   DN   Z-cDNR   3      CA   Z-cCCXm   3            
                    Hydran   DN   Z-cDNRm   3                        
                    Hydran   DN   Z-cDNL   3                        
                    Hydran   DN   Z-cDNLm   3                        
                    Hydran   DN   Z-cDNLR   3                        
                    Hydran   DN   Z-cDNLRm   3                        
                    Hydran   DN   Z-cDNM   3                        
                    Hydran   DN   Z-cDNMm   3                        
                    Hydran   DN   Z-cDNH   3                        
                    Hydran   DN   Z-cDNHm   3                        
                    Hydran   DN   Z-cDNW   3                        
                    Hydran   DN   Z-cDNWm   3                        
                    Hydran   DN   Z-cCVA   4                        
                    Hydran   DN   Z-cCVAm   4                        
                    Hydran   DN   Z-cCVAR   4                        
                    Hydran   DN   Z-cCVARm   4                        
                    Hydran   DN   H-cMNR   8                        
                    Hydran   DN   Z-cBB   8                        
                    Hydran   DN   Z-cBBm   8                        
                    Hydran   DN   H-cMNV   8                        
                    Hydran   DN   Z-cBBV   10                        
                    Hydran   DN   Z-cBBVm   10

                  « Last Edit: January 19, 2005, 09:38:49 am by Dizzy, the Slave Girl Pimpmaster »

                  Offline Dizzy

                  • Captain
                  • *
                  • Posts: 6179
                  Re: SG4 Rules, Builds, Race Details, and all that other stuff... ver 1.1
                  « Reply #2 on: January 16, 2005, 11:52:09 am »
                  Slave Girls IV: Revenge of the Orion Slave Girls Coalition Page! (click!)[/url]

                  In the year 2270, the Klingons and Lyrans are on the verge of victory against the Hydrans and Mirak. Only the recent economic and military support by the Federation has kept them hanging on. And now with the sudden disappearance of the Organians, the stage is set for the Klingons to finally strike a decisive blow against the Federation and secure an ultimate victory assuring their domination of the galaxy.

                  But before the Klingons and Lyrans could organize for their strike, the ISC suddenly and unexpectedly occupied the Neutral Zones separating the empires and forcing a temporary and uneasy peace.

                  That was a year ago. It is now 2271 and that peace has ended. The Klingons and their Lyran allies have launched an all out attack sweeping aside the spread out ISC forces and have steadily advanced to the doorsteps of the Kirell system at 18,12. Taking this planet will secure a resupply point and forward base of operations to continue their Federation attack.

                  Meanwhile, the Romulans have been sufficiently persuaded that now is the time to strike at the Federation while they are occupied with the Klingons. The Romulan fleet has been deployed into attack groups and await the Praetor's command to begin their assault on ISC and Federation space. Their longstanding rivalry with the Gorn has not been forgotten and should the Gorn attempt to help the Federation in any way, they will meet the same fate as the Federation.

                  Ship, PF/Fighter Restrictions, Order of Battle/Command and Control Rules (OoB/CnC):[/color] [/size]

                    Pseudo Fighters:
                    PF Spreadsheet[/list]

                    • A Casual Tenders (any tender with only 2 PFs) may not recall it's PFs once launched in mission. This is to simulate the fact that casual tenders had no repair capability per SFB. This restriction does not apply to 3 and 4 PF tenders
                    • Casual Tenders may carry 2 Vanilla PFs
                    • Full Tenders (3 or 4 PFs): 1 Leader, 1 Special PF, 1 or 2 Vanilla PFs

                      Fighter Spreadsheet[/list]

                      • Klingons/Lyrans: No CnC
                      • Romulan/Gorn/I.S.C.: No more than 50% plasma "F" fighters.
                      • Federation: F-14 and F-15 fighters only on the CVS, F-14s only on the CVA (2 squads), DVL, and BCV.
                      • Hydran: No more than 50% Hellbores fighters.
                      • Mirak No CnC
                      • Tholian: No CnC

                      Here are the Builds for the Klingons, Lyrans and Romulans:

                      • The Lyrans, Romulans and Klingons each have 4 Build Points and 4 Conversion Points with which to spend on special and capitol ships.
                      • Unless otherwise noted, all conversion point ships cost 1 CP. These ships are represented showing a lower case 's' in front of their ship designation. Exp: F-sCFS+
                      • No more than half of the CP ships built per cycle may be of the same type ship with the one time exception where each Side gets a single build cycle waiver that they may use only once for one of their races during the server.
                      • Build cycles run once every three days at noon EST. RM's will post their builds of what it is they are building on the SG4 Ship Construction, Assignment and Transfers thread before hand.
                      • The Coalition and Alliance are both required to build at least one 3 BP ship or upgrade per cycle and/or go into Battleship construction. Battleship contruction may begin in the build cycles before the BB is due to be available as long as at least 4 BP's are consecutively spent during pre-production up to the same Build cycle the BB is available.
                      • Half of a race's total BP's rounding down may be banked for the next build cycle. CP points may not be 'banked' for expenditure for the next build cycle. They must be spent during the current cycle or be lost.
                      • The Coalition and Alliance may also select one race that may lend economic support to another race and thus transfer a single BP to that race for use during the NEXT Build Cycle.
                      • BP's may also be converted to CP's at a rate of 2 to 1. CP's may not be converted to BP's.

                        The following is a description by Class, Ship Designation and BP cost:

                        DN   K-cC6   3       CA   K-cC7   2        BB   K-cB10   8       CL   K-cD5X   2
                        DN   K-cC8   3       CA   K-cC7V   2      BB   K-cB10K   8      CL   K-cD5XD   2
                        DN   K-cC8B   3      CA   K-cC7S   3      BB   K-cMB10   8      CL   K-cD5XDm   2
                        DN   K-cC8K   3      CA   K-cDX   3        BB   K-cB10V   10      
                        DN   K-cC8KR   3      CA   K-cDXD   3      BB   K-cB11K   12      
                        DN   K-cC5   3        CA   K-cDXDm   3      BB   K-cB11V   12      
                        DN   K-cC5B   3                  
                        DN   K-cC5K   3                  
                        DN   K-cC5KR   3                  
                        DN   K-cC5M   3                   
                        DN   K-cC10K   3                  
                        DN   K-cWD5   3                  
                        DN   K-cMC8   3                   
                        DN   K-cMC8B   3                  
                        DN   K-cMC8K   3                  
                        DN   K-cMC8R   3                  
                        DN   K-cC8V   4                   
                        DN   K-cC8VK   4


                        DN   L-cDNE   3      CA   L-cBC   2        BB   L-cBB   8      CL   L-cCWXF   2
                        DN   L-cDN   3        CA   L-cBCp+   2      BB   L-cBBF   8      
                        DN   L-cDNp+   3      CA   L-cBCPp   2      BB   L-cBBT   8      
                        DN   L-cDNPp   3      CA   L-cBCPF   2            
                        DN   L-cDNF   3      CA   L-cBCH   2            
                        DN   L-cDNT   3      CA   L-cBCHP   2            
                        DN   L-cDNL   3      CA   L-cBCHF   2            
                        DN   L-cDNLp+   3      CA   L-cBCHT   2            
                        DN   L-cDNLPp   3      CA   L-cCCXF   3            
                        DN   L-cDNLF   3      CA   L-cBCV   2            
                        DN   L-cDNLT   3                  
                        DN   L-cDNW   3                  
                        DN   L-cDNWF   3                  
                        DN   L-cDNWT   3                  
                        DN   L-cDNH   3                   
                        DN   L-cDNHF   3                  
                        DN   L-cDNHT   3                  
                        DN   L-cDNM   3                  
                        DN   L-cDNMF   3                  
                        DN   L-cDNMT   3                  
                        DN   L-cSTL   3                  
                        DN   L-cSTLF   3


                        DN   R-cVUL+   2      CA   R-cKCR   2      CL   R-cSPX   2
                        DN   R-cWVL   2      CA   R-cSUB   2            
                        DN   R-cKVL   2      CA   R-cSUN   2            
                        DN   R-cK9R   3      CA   R-cKEX   2            
                        DN   R-cK9RB   3      CA   R-cKHK   3            
                        DN   R-cK9RH   3      CA   R-cSUT   3            
                        DN   R-cCON   3      CA   R-cK7X   3            
                        DN   R-cCON+   3      CA   R-cFHX   3            
                        DN   R-cCHR   3                        
                        DN   R-cCNH   3                        
                        DN   R-cCNM   3                        
                        DN   R-cCNHf   3                        
                        DN   R-cROCF   4                        
                        DN   R-cCNV   4                        
                        DN   R-cCNV+   4                        
                        DN   R-cK10R   8                        
                        DN   R-cKCN   8

                      « Last Edit: January 19, 2005, 09:38:23 am by Dizzy, the Slave Girl Pimpmaster »

                      Offline Dizzy

                      • Captain
                      • *
                      • Posts: 6179
                      Re: SG4 Rules, Builds, Race Details, and all that other stuff... ver 1.1
                      « Reply #3 on: January 16, 2005, 11:52:41 am »
                      Slave Girls IV: Revenge of the Orion Slave Girls I.S.C. Page![/b] (click!)[/url]

                      The year is 2270... And the I.S.C. have invaded the Alpha quadrant to put a stop to the proliferation of "Frog Legs Bar&Grill" stands that have been cropping up everywhere.

                      The I.S.C. Pacification Mandate:

                        Transmission on All Hailing Frequencies:

                                      ************Notice to all sentient races of the Alpha Quadrant************

                      "A peaceful, harmonious and well ordered universe is the right of all sentient species. Civilizations collapse when this right is violated in even the most trivial of fashion and therefore it must be protected at ALL costs. Peace, order and good government shall be the foundation for which all shall prosper. Protection of peace through use of force, occupation of the neutral zone, and equal pacification is guaranteed.

                      Surrender to the will and law of the Interstellar Concordium. Lay down your weapons and dismantle your military and supporting infrastructure. Embrace peaceful coexistance with fellow races. Failure to do so will result in immediate and forceful pacification.

                      Our military police boats are now standing by to take over spacial control of your borders and capitols and to insure your protection from all aggressors be them foreign or domestic. We thank you for your compliance".


                        Equal Pacification is a directive within the I.S.C. military that requires the them to pacify the various warring factions evenly. Thus if the ISC are in control of an original Alliance planet or base hex, then they must take a Coalition planet or base hex before capturing another from the Alliance when possible. Exceptions to this will depend on whether or not the ISC have a clear LOS to a hex in question, how far that hex is from a resupply point and Organia.

                        Organia. This system is of absolutely no military or economic value whatsoever, yet the signifigance the ISC place on occupying it would suggest otherwise. For one reason or another, the ISC regard this system as a 'second capitol in the west'.

                        InterStellar Concordium Server Description:

                          The I.S.C. begin the server controlling the neutral zone seperating the warring factions of the Alliance and the Coalition. Their territory begins in the west and extends to their reinforced stronghold and capitols in the far East. The I.S.C. are a strong fleet. Their economy and military production rivals that of any other empire in the quadrant. The I.S.C. begin the game holding all their VP's which are about 245. If they are not careful, their holdings in the neutral zone will quickly be gobbled up by the other empires. Cunning strategy, careful fleet deployment, and absolute brilliant leadership will be required to see them win in the end.

                        Orion Pirate Rules:

                        • Only known I.S.C. players may use an Orion Pirate account (Lyran Race). No incognito accounts, please.
                        • While flying as a Pirate, only Pirate ships may be flown even though there will be I.S.C. ships in the yards.
                        • There can never be more than 2 Pirate players online at any one time.
                        • Pirates may operate anywhere on the map, but may be subject to Deepstrikes. See Pirate Special Disengagement Rules.
                        • Pirates may capture hexes anywhere on the map providing they follow LoS Rule One.
                        • Pirate hexes are treated as I.S.C. hexes and vice versa in all respects.

                        Orion Pirate CnC Rules (Pirates do not use BP or CP points):

                        • Only when two Pirate players are online may a single BC be flown.
                        • Pirate players may never fly a DN.

                        Pirate Ship Losses:

                        • Pirates have three of any type BC. Once they are lost, they are gone for the remainder of the server.
                        • If a BC is lost, another may not be flown until the start of the next build cycle.
                        • Pirate BC kills are counted as VP's just like everyone else. All Pirate BC's will be treated as being worth 2 BP's.

                        Ship, PF/Fighter Restrictions, Order of Battle/Command and Control Rules (OoB/CnC):[/color] [/size]

                          Pseudo Fighters:
                          PF Spreadsheet[/list]
                          • A Casual Tender (any tender with only 2 PFs) may not relaunch PF's once they have been recalled in a mission. This is to simulate the fact that casual tenders had no repair capability per SFB. This restriction does not apply to 3 and 4 PF tenders.
                          • Casual Tenders may carry 2 Vanilla (Plain PF or a phaser variant) PFs
                          • Full Tenders (3 or 4 PFs): 1 Leader, 1 Special PF, 1 or 2 Vanilla PFs

                            Fighter Spreadsheet[/list]

                            • Klingons/Lyrans: No CnC
                            • Romulan/Gorn/I.S.C.: No more than 50% plasma "F" fighters.
                            • Federation: F-14 and F-15 fighters only on the CVS, F-14s only on the CVA (2 squads), DVL, and BCV.
                            • Hydran: No more than 50% Hellbores fighters.
                            • Mirak No CnC
                            • Tholian: No CnC

                            Build Cycle Details for the InterStellar Concordium:

                            • The Interstellar Concordium has 6 Build Points and 6 Conversion Points with which to spend on special and capital ships.
                            • Unless otherwise noted, all conversion point ships cost 1 CP. These ships are represented showing a lower case 's' in front of their ship designation. Exp: F-sCFS+
                            • No more than half of the CP ships built per cycle may be of the same type ship with the one time exception where each Side gets a single build cycle waiver that they may use only once for one of their races during the server.
                            • Build cycles run once every three days at noon EST. RM's will post their builds of what it is they are building on the SG4 Ship Construction, Assignment and Transfers thread before hand.
                            • The I.S.C. are required to build at least one 3 BP ship or upgrade per cycle and/or go into Battleship construction, however, they will have a one cycle waiver on this. Battleship contruction may begin in the build cycles before the BB is due to be available as long as at least 4 BP's are consecutively spent during pre-production up to the same Build cycle the BB is available.
                            • Half of a race's total BP's rounding down may be banked for the next build cycle. CP points may not be 'banked' for expenditure for the next build cycle. They must be spent during the current cycle or be lost.
                            • The Coalition and Alliance may also select one race that may lend economic support to another race and thus transfer a single BP to that race for use during the NEXT Build Cycle.
                            • BP's may also be converted to CP's at a rate of 2 to 1. CP's may not be converted to BP's.

                              The following is a description by Class, Ship Designation and BP cost:

                            InterStellar Concordium                  
                              ISC   DN   I-cDNE   3      CA   I-cCCY   2      CL   I-cCLX   2
                              ISC   DN   I-cDN   3      CA   I-cCCZ   3      CL   I-cCSX   2
                              ISC   DN   I-cDNZ   3      CA   I-cBCV   3            
                              ISC   DN   I-cDNL   3      CA   I-cBCS   3            
                              ISC   DN   I-cDNT   3      CA   I-cCCX   6            
                              ISC   DN   I-cDNP   3                        
                              ISC   DN   I-cDNH   3                        
                              ISC   DN   I-cDNW   3                        
                              ISC   DN   I-cDNM   3                        
                              ISC   DN   I-cCVA   4
                              ISC   DN   I-cCVAZ   4
                              ISC   DN   I-cBB   8
                              ISC   DN   I-cBBZ   8
                              ISC   DN   I-cBBV   12
                              ISC   DN   I-cBBVZ   12

                            « Last Edit: January 19, 2005, 05:59:42 pm by Dizzy, the Slave Girl Pimpmaster »

                            Offline KBF-Soth

                            • Lt. Junior Grade
                            • *
                            • Posts: 113
                            Re: SG4 Rules, Builds, Race Details, and all that other stuff... ver 1.1
                            « Reply #4 on: January 16, 2005, 05:21:51 pm »
                            Nice job.Very clearly stated and simple.Kinda feel sorry for the RMs and ARMs looks like a ton of paperwork.Looking forward to it.


                            • Guest
                            Re: SG4 Rules, Builds, Race Details, and all that other stuff... ver 1.1
                            « Reply #5 on: January 16, 2005, 07:17:49 pm »
                            If the server crashes during a PvP mission, all players must stay in the mission and fight it out (or disengage or die or all of the above...) The results of the mission still count for VC and disengagment rule purposes. If a player loses his or her ship in such a mission, he/she must self-destruct in the same hex immediately upon logging back on to the server to correct both the shiploss and the DV change.


                            Just for that a + karma.

                            Do you want this thread stickied Diz?

                            Offline Hexx

                            • Sexy Shoeless Lyran God Of War
                            • Captain
                            • *
                            • Posts: 6058
                            Re: SG4 Rules, Builds, Race Details, and all that other stuff... ver 1.1
                            « Reply #6 on: January 16, 2005, 08:08:57 pm »
                            Quick question
                            With the Klinks & Lyrans sharing a shiplist are players
                            expected to
                            -use a different account if they want to fly Lyran/Klink
                            If they are supposed to use a seperate account do
                            they have to sell the starting ship (which will be either Lyran or Klink)
                            right away or can they wait for a decent ship to show in the yards?

                            -Not a huge issue I admit. just want to know what to tell those Klingons
                            who are looking forward being able to fly Lyran.
                            Courageously Protesting "Lyran Pelt Day"

                            Offline Dizzy

                            • Captain
                            • *
                            • Posts: 6179
                            Re: SG4 Rules, Builds, Race Details, and all that other stuff... ver 1.1
                            « Reply #7 on: January 16, 2005, 10:18:59 pm »
                            Slave Girls IV: Victory Conditions, Map and Bounties Page![/b] (click!)[/url]

                            Click here for the Webmap!  

                            Map Notes:  

                            • Organia is a 50 DV ISC controlled Planet.
                            • I.S.C. controlled Neutral Zone hexes will be 10 DV.
                            • I.S.C. controlled Interior space in the far east are 20 DV.
                            • Empire hexes adjacent to the Neutral Zone are 10 DV.
                            • Empire Interrior hexes are 20 DV.
                            • Homeworlds, Bases, and Planet DV's equal their hex Economy rating usually 25-50 DV.
                            • Hexes adjacent to Homeworlds are 30 DV.
                            • Without exception, each hex will have an economy equal to its maximum reinforcible DV.

                            Map Victory Points (VP's) List: (Not Finished)

                            • Homeworlds:
                            • Minor Planets:
                            • Major Planets:
                            • Bases:
                            • Other:

                            Victory Conditions (VC's): (Not Finished)

                            • Alliance Forces Victory Conditions:

                            • Coalition Forces Victory Conditions:

                            • InterStellar Concordium Victory Conditions:

                              1 VP is awarded to the I.S.C. for every 10 hexes they own from the 0 column to the 45 column.
                              VP's are awarded to the I.S.C. equal to the economy value of any Planet or Base VP hexes they own.
                              The I.S.C begin the game holding all their 245 VP's.

                            Player Vs. Player (PvP) Victory Points:

                              There will be a Kill List thread where everyone will post their kills/captures. Every ship is worth something. Capital ships (Build Point or BP Ships) have a lower case 'c' in front of their designations and Specialty ships (Conversion Point or CP Ships) have a lower case 's' in front of their designation and all other Line ships are worth the following:

                            • 1  CP  Special Ship =  3  VP's.
                            • 2  BP  Capitol Ship  =   5  VP's.
                            • 3  BP  Capitol Ship  =   7  VP's.
                            • 4  BP  Capitol Ship  =   9  VP's.
                            • 8  BP  Capitol Ship  =  16 VP's.
                            • 10 BP  Capitol Ship  =  20 VP's.
                            • 12 BP  Capitol Ship  =  30 VP's.
                            • All other ships are worth 1 VP.

                              In a solo engagement, if any single non-capital ship forces a Dreadnought to disengage then that side earns one VP.

                              If one of the Order of Battle Ships listed above is captured by the enemy, not only does the enemy get the VP's but the enemy also gets the base BP value of the ship added to
                            their Empire's BP bank account. This rule does not apply to Specialty Ships.

                            Map VC's will be screen shot on each Saturday at 12pm Est/11am ctrl after the 1st, 2nd and 3rd weeks of the server. The PvP VP's will then be added to this to determine the winner.

                            In addition, we will announce the MVP from each side with the most VP's. The three will then face off vs each other in a double elimination match. There can be only one.[/List]


                              There will be a few Captains for each side with prices on their heads. Take them down and win a prize.

                              These captains pose a most serious threat to the other empires. They are villains of the highest magnitude and dangerous beyond all belief. It is said they cannot be defeated. The mere sight of their ship in battle strikes fear and terror into the hearts of those opposing them and is often times the decisive factor as enemies flee before a shot is even fired. Their reputations and exploits have made their way into the local folklore of every town and village reaching every corner of the quadrant making them legends of their time. Fools are those who do not fear them.

                            • The day before the start of each server week, each side will choose only one of the other two factions and from that faction, pick three captains (and a fourth as alternate) who will have bounties placed upon their heads.
                            • In addition, each side will be allowed to announce a protection order for one of their captains granting only this person immunity from a bounty for one bounty cycle, as their empire has made extensive efforts to protect this Captains and his or her identity.
                            • A Captain may not receive more than one protection order for the server.
                            • If 2 different factions choose the same player, the 1st side that claims him gets the bounty and he is stricken from the other factions list.
                            • RM's please PM me the list in secret and once these bounties have been received by all three sides, they will then be publicly posted including the name of the protected captain. Should that name be listed, the alternate name is placed instead.
                            • If chosen as a bounty, each of these captains must immediately post any and all of their account names and their current prestige totals so it will be known who they are when they die horribly.
                            • If you are named, you must state your intent to whether or not you will achieve at least 12k worth of prestige that week.
                            • If you are unable to, the side offering your bounty will be allowed to pick a substitute name.
                            • If you do state your intent to put in 12k of lifetime prestige that week (roughly 30 missions or less, est.) and in fact do not do so, you will be counted as having had your bounty collected.

                              Results of claiming bounties:[/list]

                                Should these captains be defeated in battle, this would mark a turning point in the war for the side achieving the unachievable. Glory and prestige of a level never thought possible would uplift morale and increase productivity. + 1 CP will be awarded if two of the three Captains avoid being killed or captured by the side posting their bounty. It is possible for a side to be awarded 2 CP's should two of their three captains on each of both bounty lists avoid being killed or captured and even 3 CP's if they also claim the 2 of 3 bounties they have themselves listed.

                              « Last Edit: January 20, 2005, 05:24:27 am by Dizzy, the Slave Girl Pimpmaster »