Actually, I like the concept.
Think about it. The Tholians are restricted to working a what, 50 or so hex region (their original space and a 2-hex limit around it), and they can only be found in a 100 or so hex region (the 4 hexes out rule).
Also, instead of tracking BPs and stuff for a small race, the requirements are the diversion of players from Alliance accounts. To field a DN, you need a total of 3 Alliance pilots stuck in the Tholian region, and to fly a BCH you need 2 Alliance pilots.
The only rule I'd change (or clearly specify), is that if there is only 1 Tholian online, he is allowed to fly a special ship, as you need a 2-pilot minimum to play a BCH.
Actually I'm not surprised even a tiny winy little bit that you Julin like the concept as you are heading up the ISC camp in fact I'd be surprised if you didn't. I bet you are especially fond of the "ISC and Romulan special disengagement" rules which are garbage as well.
I however actually don't like the concept, I'll tell ya what though you and the ISC pony up and follow the same guidelines and I'll drop the issue. 
And which ally pool am I going to draw from?