My idea was merely a suggestion that was meant to even out the ups and downs of the server activity and provide a metric of performance that allows all points in time in the server's life to be as equally important as any of other point in time as well as the efforts of any particular person on the server who contributes to that day's VC point total. In this way, a person could log on, contribute to the daily effort, and when the points are posted, they can feel they had a hand in getting those points. This is opposed to the current situation in which any daily gains can be gobbled up at any time making one feel that one's efforts were for naught. You capture a planet, you lose it, capture it, lose it, yada, yada. The only time that matters is when the tally is taken and I think that can be disheartening.
I'll make a sports analogy. With the current system, it's as if only the last drive to the goal line counted, only the last touchdown so to speak, as if all the other points that were scored didn't count. It's perhaps not the most apt analogy, but I think it illustrates a point. I'd rather see a system where the daily efforts of players counts toward something tangilble like a points total as opposed to some future intangle and unknown outcome that he cannot see and cannot know until the final moment.
The "endgame" scenario (whoever has the most turf at the end of the server) certainly can be more dramatic but also less rewarding overall to the losing side and also, really, to the winning side.