Uh. I think they're pretty nice. It's pretty tough when you realize that in one night, I got one less PvP kill than I did in 9 months of flying Lyran. Hmmm. I'd like to thank all those who died to help me achieve this. I even captured one. I, uh, had to tractor him right at the edge and drag his green butt back onto the map to give H'raa time to take the ship. That was a pleasant experience as well.
Anyway, your names are safe as well. Unfortunately none of the names was "Jinn" or Chuut/Chutt.

On the other hand...
Mr Mocton and Mr Maverick - BAD DOGS, no biscuit! They both, in separate missions ruined my perfect record for the night.

And these uniforms are really nice too. Tight. Lycra. I like them.

Now, about some seatbelts. Gotta get some.....