Been pre-occupied lately or I would have got back sooner. The ones I did are still up. The balance just never got put in a catagory. Here is the direct link. btw I rushed this a bit cause I wanted to get thru and do most of the season 1 ships. I been thinking that I would rather do less ships but have them more polished. This one needs remapping in the back but at least its in game for now.
Just saw the episode where the exact same model used for the 'Balance of Judgemet' was used for the 'Wrath of Achilles'. So I really got 2 ships done this way.

Actually this ship was also used for an entirly different race in a 3rd episode. It was shown without the 11 smaller spindles and had a metallic looking sphere in the center. Thats all cause of the tight budget the show runs on. I also have seen the same engines from the bounty hunter ships used on another races ship as well. In some cases the parts of the exact same battle footage for Nietzchian ships is used in at least 2 seperate episodes.
I have been enjoying the bonus features on the DVD's of the show. The anamatrics for the show were done in Lightwave using other software for effects. The basic roughed in models for the Animatrics were done in Max. The series started using its own in house CG department in season 2. Looking at the basic anamatrics (used as place holders) is most helpful for trying to do a lower poly version, as the place holder models look to be lower poly. Thus only the basic shapes are there making it easier to see how to go about making some of the ships from the show