Topic: Taking Andromeda ship requests  (Read 2817 times)

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Offline Red_Green

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Taking Andromeda ship requests
« on: January 09, 2005, 09:45:04 pm »
If you see a ship from Andromeda you would like to see in game. Request it here. The catch is that I need reference pics for it. If its a season 1 or season 2 episode you can just tell me what the episode name is and I can look it up, as I have those DVD sets. From season 3-5 though I need reference pics. Hopefully at least a fron shot and a perspective.  The more the better. I don't do ships by a time table, when its done, its done. Oh and Khaliban did the Ascendent and I just did the  larger Nietzchian so those two can be crossed off.

I wouldn't mind if some other modelers get involved in this. Myself, I'd like to see enough  done to do a small mod. I am also interested in information about ships. Like what class they are considered. Ship info is kinda sparse for this show

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Re: Taking Andromeda ship requests
« Reply #1 on: January 09, 2005, 10:05:18 pm »
The Balance of Judgment from the season 1 episode "Star-Crossed"

A Restor attack ship also seen in that episode would be nice too

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Re: Taking Andromeda ship requests
« Reply #2 on: January 09, 2005, 10:15:38 pm »
I'll check it out, havn't seen that episode I'll comment after I watch it.

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Re: Taking Andromeda ship requests
« Reply #3 on: January 10, 2005, 12:32:52 am »
Ok I saw the episode and I will give both ships a go. Of course they might wind up looking like a squashed bug, but I think I can do em justice. My poly counts will likely run around 10,000 I think. Personal preference. I use just 1 map so they run ok on my 5 year old machine. I like the Restor destroyer the best. To bad there is no top view. The top is seen as a schemtic on the display but that doesn't help with the details.  I was surprised how much they showed of the Restor. In all the episodes I have seen before they never show a ship for more than like 1 and a half seconds.

Early pics of the Balance of Judgement, just worried about proportions at this point. Easier to adjust now then when I get further along. This mesh is relatively simple. The Restor destroyer will be more involved.

« Last Edit: January 10, 2005, 06:41:07 am by red_green »

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Re: Taking Andromeda ship requests
« Reply #4 on: January 12, 2005, 12:12:25 am »
Current project-----Here in the 1st  capture is the Balance, the shiny silver hull is the look I am after.

Future project----  2nd capture.From the same episode as the Balance (Star- Crossed) is a fighter that supported the Ascendent in battle. It so happens that the engines are very similar to those from the Bounty hunter. There fore the mesh will go fast.

As far as the Rastor destroyer, I am putting up captures to show it. The bottom 3. This is a bigger project and I'll start work on it shortly but its going to take a lot longer than the balance.

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Re: Taking Andromeda ship requests
« Reply #5 on: January 12, 2005, 04:30:50 pm »
Kewl!! ;D
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Re: Taking Andromeda ship requests
« Reply #6 on: January 12, 2005, 04:35:02 pm »
these are very interesting ships
Sweet job  mate!!!
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Re: Taking Andromeda ship requests
« Reply #7 on: January 14, 2005, 04:57:57 am »
Just saw the Season 1 finale with Magog attack ships and the Magog world ship. I think the Restor ship has just gotten bumped back a bit  ;)  The Magog world ship would make a nice base.

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Re: Taking Andromeda ship requests
« Reply #8 on: January 15, 2005, 01:34:24 pm »
Magog world ship (as planet or base model?) and swarm ships please... don't have any reference pics on hand but I'll do a little search.

And of course the Andromeda Ascendant and her fighters... (unless already requested) missle models would be cool too...

The Maru ...

Um, all of em? lol...

I've been waiting to see an Andromeda mod... I'd love to see a D2 server based on one... rebuild the Commonwealth in the face of the Magog with the Nietschian wildcard...

Tough to find good stuff...

What was the episode where there wew like tens of thousands of ships coming through some kind of portal?

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Re: Taking Andromeda ship requests
« Reply #9 on: January 15, 2005, 04:13:15 pm »
The Ascendent was done by Khaliban and is available here.

The Magog world ship is started in a thread called 'whats this' that I will soon rename Magog WIP. A couple of other ships are done by me. The balance of Judgement  from episode 'Star-Crossed' is available here.

A Nietzchian ship by me is available below. I have since made major improvements to this mesh. At the time I did this one I had no views of the top or back.

Thanks for the links above. I too would like to see an Andromeda mod. If it wasn't such a big project I could pull it off. Since  most the ships need doing, its too big to complete a project to do it alone. Looking for modders, meshers et all for this project. I'll put the Magog attack ship on my list.

Here is what I plan on doing (or have done already)

Magog world ship-started
Nietzchian-prototype completed, improved version started
Balance of Judgement- done, may remap the back to fix textures. they get wavy when you zoom out the model. This might be nitpicky.
Bounty Hunter ship-done-  play testing
Restor destroyer- on to do list
Magog attack ship-on to do list

The couple meshes I released are not up to the standards I want them to be yet. I kinda rushing to try to get enough ships for a mod, thus not been play testing enough or watching enough episodes for references. I figure once there out there, people might be encouranged to try another version of the ship. Once I get all the ships done, I plan on refining the Balance and the Nietzchain.

Kitbahes of the basic ships might be a possiblity later to help fill out the roster.

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Offline Red_Green

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Re: Taking Andromeda ship requests
« Reply #10 on: January 15, 2005, 04:16:42 pm »

What was the episode where there wew like tens of thousands of ships coming through some kind of portal?

The premier episode has a fleet of 10,000 Nietzchians. They sent out a distress call near a blackhole to lure the Ascendent to a location where it couldn't enter the slipstream. Is that the one?  That episode was "Under the Night' #101

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Re: Taking Andromeda ship requests
« Reply #11 on: January 15, 2005, 07:13:11 pm »
Hmmm, not sure if that was the one, but it does sound like it... the ships reminded me of StarWars B-Wings...

Wow nice job on those models, didn't know those were out there. Looks like we're well on the way to a mod!  ;D

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Re: Taking Andromeda ship requests
« Reply #12 on: January 15, 2005, 07:54:29 pm »
Yea quite a few ships have a retro look to em. In that episode with 10,000 Nietzchian  ships. Only 2 different type ships were shown. I am not even sure what class they are considered. There was the bigger one that I modeled which probably would be a DN.
Then the B-wings you refer to, those appeared small and maneuverable like a fighter, but perhaps there meant as destroyers. In a later episoce the 'B'wings were shown changing position just before it blew up.
I watched all the episodes to season 1 and see only these 2 types of Nietzchain ships. However the second episode of seson 2 has a new hull type that might be considered a CL. The shape is like that of the DN, only it is much more stremline or flatter and the back splits off into a V.

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