Topic: Cry Havoc  (Read 1168 times)

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Offline Hexx

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Cry Havoc
« on: January 13, 2005, 05:37:27 pm »
Hexx stood by th viewport in the Gallantir shipyard. The system's star casting light across the Lyran Empire's newest addition
to the fleet. The ship itself would help the Lyrans achieve their goals quickly in the upcoming war.
Many of his equals and opponents from other parties had cast doubts on Hexx's idea. They claimed that
by copying the doctrines of the Unmentioned, as well as cutting deals with the Klingons in order to produce the new strikecraft
he was insulting the Warriors of the Empire.
Hexx smiled t himself, volunteers for the fighterwings were some 400% over the Empires capabilities to train. And some 700% over their
ability to equip.
No, the warriors of the Empire seemed to think the new fighterwings being developed were just fine. After all, they knew that it had only been the
fighters of the Hydrans and the Hated enemy that had saved the Lyran Empires foes in the last war. No one had realized what a force multiplier fightercraft could be.

Hexx leaned back in his chair studying the map again. This "Interstellar Concordat" had seemingly appeared out of nowhere. Possessing ships with before unknown
weapon capabilities they had quickly set themselves up as some kind of boarderguards between the races.
Borderguards who had used pirates to set themselves up.
The thought never failed to amuse him. Really, the Concordat thought they were achieving something grand, thought that the various Empires
would eventually see things there way and open up a new era of some sort of Galactic harmony.
They were dreamers, idealists.
They were fools
Still, they were fools with big guns.
The PPD had single handedly dominated fleet battles since the ISC had appeared on the scene. Established fleet tactics had been rendered obsolete overnight
by the ISC's echelon formations. However their success was also their undoing. The ISC was now spread so thinly they could no longer amass
their huge fleets. Two or three ships would be the most they would likely be able to contribute to any given area at a time.
And facing the PPD's on two or three ships was far easier than 10 or 20.
Still, the ISC ships were capable and deadly. Casualties would be heavy
Fortunately , although Hexx didn't think much of him personally, the Emperor had been wise enough to ally with the Klingons and their fleets.
The Empire would have more than enough cannon fodder.
His com system chimed signaling him the others were waitng for him in the conference room.

Soon it would begin.
Courageously Protesting "Lyran Pelt Day"