How about a SFB based fighter list!!!! Anyone have one we can adopt?
Too hard to balance for GSA play. The only reason it's even conceivable on D2 is because carriers are restricted via OOB.
I wrote the fighter list for D2 and I SO do not want to see it in PBR!!!! 
I whole heartedly support a new, SFB-ish fighter list for use in this league, and I would augment the PBR inorder to force proper SFB-ish fighter load outs. Kel would have to manage such a move and the vote or whatever, but I can adjust PBR accordingly if it happened.
You know what's funny - at first glance, I thought DH was saying he WANTED it in
Let me just say this - there were a bunch of posts about how Carrier groups needed to replace one of their escorts with a line ship to give them more offensive punch.
Why not give them some fighters worth a damn?
I know when KHH fought 9th, and they pulled a carrier group out on us, I think the main strategy there was to give them overwhelming drone defense. From what I understand, their fighters were only launched to deliver the coup de grace.
But you are right....they would play hell to 'balance' - but are they necessarily balanced now? I think to large degrees, carriers and fighters are really unknown territory when it comes to the kind of set peice battles we have in a league environment. Maybe the current taldren crap are known entities, but I don't think that makes them better for the league than DH's, for example.
I don't know if people ever tried this before, but as a preliminary BPV balancing, I used to launch my SFB fighters out by individual squadrons against an AI opponent of similar total BPV. A flight of F-14's vs a Klink F5C for example. Depending on how well they did would give me an idea whether they were priced appropriately or not.