I already set up a no-AI missions (PvP only) server - nobody came - they hated it. (Even Lepton!)
... and that is why you fail ...
D'oh! I channeled Yoda for sec there sorry!!!

Ok, all kidding aside, I didn't say this was for a PvP
only anything. Let me explain ...
In my adventures in EVE I've noticed that there are really 2 kinds of players: 1) the kind that are happy enough killing computer generated things and; 2) those that salivate over meeting a real opponent. The same holds true in SFC but more because of the way most campaign are setup ... I'll leave that alone for now ...
Anyway, the problem is there is no mission in the mixes that are available that will work to satisfy the second group but there are a ton that will for the first. The basic "Patrol" mission in most packs does a ok job striping off AI but I'm looking for a mission with a bit more teeth. One (or a set) that can sit along side the standard "kill NPC ships" missions.
Or maybe I'm just looking for really good AI stripping that works 100%. At this point I'm just looking really but the goal is to cater to both if possible while making sure that PvP really means something, i.e. bigger rewards (pp whatever) and bigger risks (can you demote in a mission?) that a PvP match should reflect.
I wish I was a better C+ coder, I'd tackle it myself but I figured what the hey, you guys are the SFC coding gurus so I'd come to you.