Topic: Help!  (Read 904 times)

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« on: January 11, 2005, 12:28:52 am »
Okay so I have downloaded the D2 Enhancement Pack version 2.2 twice now from the nighsoft server. When I run the installer is says that the file contains invalid data. I downloaded the full install not the updater and reinstalled OP from scratch. I Deleted all the left over stuff in the Taldren folder and deleted the reg key for OP. Nothing seems to work. I'm getting a little frustrated cause it is my understanding that to get onto D2 you have to have the Enhancement pack. Am I right about this and is there any way that I can get a good copy? Thanks for any help.  :banghead: :banghead:

Offline deadmansix

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Re: Help!
« Reply #1 on: January 11, 2005, 01:57:56 am »

OK make sure you have no anti-virus running, and make sure you run the enhancement pack that installs the patch, and get it from the link provided buy Pestilence just to be sure.

 if that doesn't work you can try DL the OP patch 2500-2552,then the SFCOP mini patcher(that lets ya locate the Dir of servers and fixes the ESG noise loop),then DL OP+4.0 and or 3.4 buy Firesoul and install them separately (you will need 4.0 for the campain) you should be able to get them here sorry don't have any links for ya. hope this sets ya on  the right path good luck

Offline Bonk

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Re: Help!
« Reply #2 on: January 11, 2005, 04:52:00 pm »
To set up for a stock OP dynaverse server:

1) Clean install from CD (delete old installation folder if present before installing)
2) Patch to 2552: 2500-2552 Patch
3) Edit the shortcut to the game as indicated in the 2552 patch readme. (in game install directory)
4) Directory server fix - Dynaverse.Net Client D2 Patch Installer
5) Totally disable all software firewalls and anti-virus software (while playing)
6) Login


To set up for the Slave Girls 4 OP dynaverse server:

1) Clean install from CD (delete old installation folder if present before installing)
2) Patch to 2552: 2500-2552 Patch
3) Install FireSoul's OP+4.0 (has bunch of fixes - including directory server fix)
4) Install the Slave Girls IV mod
5) Totally disable all software firewalls and anti-virus software (while playing)
6) Login

You may also find EzINI handy too... (to set resolution etc.)
« Last Edit: January 12, 2005, 12:16:09 am by Bonk »