This was a project That I was inspired to do after Fallen Warrior mentioned to me that he had an Idea for a late-TNG Cardassian cruiser
that utilized Jem-Hadar technology...not a total hybrid per-say but assimilating what worked for the Dominion and incorporating it into a
Cardassian shell...I personally thought that it would make a great X-ship

So Thanks for the inspiration FW

Now Originally I was going to call the Class Dukat...but after a good discussion about it with WZ...I desided to change the Class name to
Kraganand figured the ship could be named Dukat, Domar, and so-forth...
Idea: Fallen-Warrior
Design, Mesh, and Textures: Me (Atolm/Azel

Lightmaps, intergrated Diffused map, and BRKmod: Tus
Thanks Much you guys!!!
and without further adue...The