Hoi Whoo,
From one Proud New StarFleet Parent to another

My Elizabeth Ann (10.5 mos old) really enjoyed Wrath of Khan. She drooled over the concept of the Genesis Device all the way through the movie. Soon it will be heard around here:
"Dad, I want a Genesis Device!!!"
"But Sweety, you already are a Genesis Device."
"Dad, you KNOW WHAT I MEAN! I WANT ONE! You said I could have anything I want, and I want a Genesis Device!"
"Elizabeth, dear, would you settle for a set of skis? How about a bicycle? A car?...Oh my"
Happy Days are here Whoo!
Take care
BTW Ann(e) seems to be a very popular middle name. Capt. Mike's Granddaughter, my daughter, and now yours. Great minds...