Hey Phaser,
A useful little trick I have found is to use ShipEdit and open the ftrlist to be used for a server. You can get a good rundown of all the fighters, what they carry, shielding, weapons, etc. Of course, to look at the PFs you would need to open the shiplist.
If you don't have ShipEdit, I can provide a list of the ISC fighters in the forum if you would like. In fact, I was just playing around with all the ISC fighters yesterday. I especially like the FTFm. Hmmmm, lots of plasma. Me like.
Just thought I'd mention it. I always take a good long look at the shiplist/ftrlist before a server just to check what kind of 'interesting things' the admins have included.

So, DH, what's this I hear about these Fed gatlings fighters, but NO ISC caveats being used. Here I am planning on flying ISC for the first time on a server and you guys hose the caveats! OH THE SHAME!! (j/k)

Like I need 'em. Plasma, phasers, and PFs always worked just fine for me anyway.
the helpful, pain-in-the-arse