Topic: SG4 Old feedback thread, please unsticky, there is a new one. Thanks.  (Read 39454 times)

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Re: SG4 Test Server is up. Please Ck here for feedback and updates...
« Reply #60 on: January 11, 2005, 01:56:51 pm »
Lyran CVA should have a FYA of 12 not 17.
Also (if it makes any difference at all,which I doubt it does) it should have 4 forward hull,16 center hull, 4 aft hull.
not 8,8,8.
(Am I being to picky here?  ;D )

I'd fix this if time permited, we'll see if Dizzy gets me the corrections.

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Re: SG4 Test Server is up. Please Ck here for feedback and updates...
« Reply #61 on: January 11, 2005, 01:59:08 pm »
And Agave, I flipped a Fed hex and ran it up fine. U say a klink hex flipped to neutral and u couldnt run it up? How many different missions did you take that didnt raise it or flip it your color? Really need the names of the missions, as I am having no issues.


The hex in question was 17.11.   Originally an ISC hex, it was taken by the klingons.   I flipped it back ISC but was not able to raise the DV above 0.   I ran 5 or 6 missions to no avail.   So, you tell me.

Hope this helps.


P.S.  Thanks for the explanation on the zNCSf.   I figured it might be some new ship from OP4.0.  Never hurts to ask though.

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Re: SG4 Test Server is up. Please Ck here for feedback and updates...
« Reply #62 on: January 11, 2005, 02:19:31 pm »

The hex in question was 17.11.   Originally an ISC hex, it was taken by the klingons.   I flipped it back ISC but was not able to raise the DV above 0.   I ran 5 or 6 missions to no avail.  


That's not a bug.  IT'S A FEATURE!!!!!

It better not get fixed.  I made J'inn pay damn good money for it.

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Re: SG4 Test Server is up. Please Ck here for feedback and updates...
« Reply #63 on: January 11, 2005, 04:34:28 pm »
test server will be back up shortly.   Critical security updates from MS . . .
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Re: SG4 Test Server is up. Please Ck here for feedback and updates...
« Reply #64 on: January 11, 2005, 04:36:46 pm »

<snip> Never hurts to ask though.

You know I think he may be on to something..
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Re: SG4 Test Server is up. Please Ck here for feedback and updates...
« Reply #65 on: January 11, 2005, 07:10:13 pm »
I am kinda new to d2 and i was wondering about the fighters for OSG4, i'm not a fighter user but this does concern me as a balance issue. I noticed that ISC fighters are completely useless i used the OSG4 ship/fighter list on gsa even in late era they arent much,on the other hand i noticed that the hydran fighters and the fed fighters have extreme weapons on them making them unbalanced IMO was this done on purpose or was it just an oversite?

Offline FPF-DieHard

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Re: SG4 Test Server is up. Please Ck here for feedback and updates...
« Reply #66 on: January 11, 2005, 07:25:11 pm »
I am kinda new to d2 and i was wondering about the fighters for OSG4, i'm not a fighter user but this does concern me as a balance issue. I noticed that ISC fighters are completely useless i used the OSG4 ship/fighter list on gsa even in late era they arent much,on the other hand i noticed that the hydran fighters and the fed fighters have extreme weapons on them making them unbalanced IMO was this done on purpose or was it just an oversite?

There is fighter CnC to control what can and cannot be used.  the Federation Gatling fighters, for example, are only allowed on certain ships which are limited in production.   heck, all carriers are limited production with the exception of the Hydrans.

Yes, the Stingers are downright evil.   Their weapons match the SFB weapons.   They are supposed to be this way, Stingers in SFB would rip a ship in half if they got close.  They only have 10 Hitpoints until 2280 when the Megapacks come out (See J2 for the SFB reference, in brief the add hitpoints and give an extra heavy weapons shot) so they do die easier than Hornets.   

I'm curious how you came to the conclusion that the ISC fighters are useless.   I wrecked an G-DNH in one pass with an I-CVAZ in testing.

What is even more curious is how you came to the conclusion that this is unbalanced.  In testing, the Hydrans got owned by the ISC ship 90-95% or the time (me flying ISC, real Hydrans flying hydran).
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Re: SG4 Test Server is up. Please Ck here for feedback and updates...
« Reply #67 on: January 11, 2005, 07:27:37 pm »
The Fed & Hydran fighters are the best in the game hands down.
The ISC,Gorn,& Rom fighters come in (basically) 2kinds.
-Superiority Fighters , where the plasma races (kinda) got hosed. Problems with plasmaD meant these got replaced with photons
                              Your superiority fighter will likely die when facing other fighters. Photons will do a number on a ship though.
-Torpedo Fighters Each of these fighter carries a Plasma F (I hope none carry 2) 3 or four fighters per group firing Plasma Fs at someone
                         is pretty darn good.

Basically (imho) Your Superiority fighters arent as good at fighting other fighters as Feds,Hydrans, Klinks or Mirak
but your torpedo fighters are probably on par with Feds, and better than Kzin or Klingons at attacking ships.

EDIT -And for the love of all that's holy. Don't ask for CavIII's  ;D
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Re: SG4 Test Server is up. Please Ck here for feedback and updates...
« Reply #68 on: January 11, 2005, 07:31:42 pm »
PlasmA F righters rape other fighters so fast it ain't funny.

It is ironic, the roles are kinda reversed.   The "Superiortiy "fighters are good ship killers and the "Assault" fighters and good for killing fighters.

PS - The Heavy Stingers have EXTREME restrictions on them, they replace PFs.  I forgot to mention that.
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Re: SG4 Test Server is up. Please Ck here for feedback and updates...
« Reply #69 on: January 11, 2005, 07:32:29 pm »
i wasn't attacking you or your work DH..i'll just keep my nose out of this, excuse me for asking questions..

Offline FPF-DieHard

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Re: SG4 Test Server is up. Please Ck here for feedback and updates...
« Reply #70 on: January 11, 2005, 07:34:11 pm »
i wasn't attacking you or your work DH..i'll just keep my nose out of this, excuse me for asking questions..

Don't worry about it, the avatar makes me appear meaner than I am.  ;D

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Re: SG4 Test Server is up. Please Ck here for feedback and updates...
« Reply #71 on: January 11, 2005, 07:34:22 pm »
All that blue dye you bathe in must be affecting your brain....
Best fighter -fighter killer are the droners.
And never worry about asking questions.
It's not like him & Dizzy are busy putting up the server.

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Re: SG4 Test Server is up. Please Ck here for feedback and updates...
« Reply #72 on: January 11, 2005, 08:22:03 pm »
i wasn't attacking you or your work DH..i'll just keep my nose out of this, excuse me for asking questions..

Phaser, DH is a prick. Dont mind him. He is more blunt than I am and just tells you how it is w/o care for feelings, he has none. I have a hard time with him. Even his ho's (which he has to pay for) dont like him. ;)

Ask many questions, Phaser. A lot of this is new to you D2 guys. Hell, a lot of this is new for the older D2 vets. We have finally moved onward to more SFB type ships, ftrs and PF's. So much is new that you will need to carefully re-evaluate your tactics depending on your enemy. The biggest problem I see everyone facing is Sun Tzu's advice on 'knowing your enemy'. I promise you will be pwnd if you don't. The Dynaverse is a scary place...

Offline GDA-Agave

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Re: SG4 Test Server is up. Please Ck here for feedback and updates...
« Reply #73 on: January 12, 2005, 09:10:02 am »
Hey Phaser,

A useful little trick I have found is to use ShipEdit and open the ftrlist to be used for a server.    You can get a good rundown of all the fighters, what they carry, shielding, weapons, etc.  Of course, to look at the PFs you would need to open the shiplist.

If you don't have ShipEdit, I can provide a list of the ISC fighters in the forum if you would like.   In fact, I was just playing around with all the ISC fighters yesterday.   I especially like the FTFm.   Hmmmm, lots of plasma.    Me like.

Just thought I'd mention it.   I always take a good long look at the shiplist/ftrlist before a server just to check what kind of 'interesting things' the admins have included.  ;D

So, DH, what's this I hear about these Fed gatlings fighters, but NO ISC caveats being used.  Here I am planning on flying ISC for the first time on a server and you guys hose the caveats!    OH THE SHAME!!  (j/k)   :-*   ;D   Like I need 'em.    Plasma, phasers, and PFs always worked just fine for me anyway.

the helpful, pain-in-the-arse

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Re: SG4 Test Server is up. Please Ck here for feedback and updates...
« Reply #74 on: January 12, 2005, 09:13:44 am »
Oh, yeah, almost forgot.

Dizzy, I ran several more missions on that same hex to raise the DV.   I was successful.  I really think that it was my choice of missions not anything serverside.

No snip remarks about a Gorn's intelligence, just STFU!!   ;D  ;D

Ahhhh, that felt good.   :woot:

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Re: SG4 Test Server is up. Please Ck here for feedback and updates...
« Reply #75 on: January 12, 2005, 12:02:13 pm »
 I seem to be making extreme draws in ai on the server now.I understand that the CCY is "cheese". but it seems to draw nothing but dn and cva's since the reboot. Most missions im drafting a Dn and a heavy while getting some sort of pirate light cruiser as an escort or im drawing two dn.Not that i cant beat it and thats its not  fun But 20 to 30 mins for one mission seems a little extreme. other wise you have done a great job so far.I  going back and doing more testing now.

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Re: SG4 Test Server is up. Please Ck here for feedback and updates...
« Reply #76 on: January 12, 2005, 12:05:34 pm »
Please Agave, my ribs are hurting  ;D
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Re: SG4 Test Server is up. Please Ck here for feedback and updates...
« Reply #77 on: January 12, 2005, 12:10:25 pm »
Oh, yeah, almost forgot.

Dizzy, I ran several more missions on that same hex to raise the DV.   I was successful.  I really think that it was my choice of missions not anything serverside.

No snip remarks about a Gorn's intelligence, just STFU!!   ;D  ;D

Ahhhh, that felt good.   :woot:


Is it possible to snip anything form a Gorn's intelligence?
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Re: SG4 Test Server is up. Please Ck here for feedback and updates...
« Reply #78 on: January 12, 2005, 12:18:56 pm »
I seem to be making extreme draws in ai on the server now.I understand that the CCY is "cheese". but it seems to draw nothing but dn and cva's since the reboot. Most missions im drafting a Dn and a heavy while getting some sort of pirate light cruiser as an escort or im drawing two dn.Not that i cant beat it and thats its not  fun But 20 to 30 mins for one mission seems a little extreme. other wise you have done a great job so far.I  going back and doing more testing now.

This is funny, I've not touched te AI draw setting.   In fact, the AI settings are "stock" Evil Dave.   Maybe I need to lower the difficulty?

How are the other races drawing?

Feedback like this is greatly appreciated, thank you Kurok
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Re: SG4 Test Server is up. Please Ck here for feedback and updates...
« Reply #79 on: January 12, 2005, 12:28:25 pm »
CVD,CVA,STL,STT,BCPp DNM all seem to draw a mix of CAA/CY's and IDNs
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