Please note that the shiplist may frequently be updated. So keep an eye out here for changes.
Please feel free to login and play whatever you like. Make sure to report oddities here. Keep an eye out for anything unusual. Please note, alliances have not been adjusted as yet of Saturday. The server will reset often and the stardates will vary as testing continues.
Test moved to to get ready to go live...
Last Edit: January 17, 2005, 12:58:29 pm Installer updated: or up: Intended use: install over OP+4 when you wish to logon the SGO4 server, uninstall when you wish to play on OP+4 or another mod on gamespy or when the server is done. The installer backs up your current files and restores them on uninstall. The installer will not install over itself so original backup files are preserved if you accidentally reinstall the SGO4 mod. It will produce an error and cancel the SGO4 mod install if OP+4 is not already installed.
- Server info and an uninstall link are created in an "SGO4" folder on your start menu.
- Be aware this is for the test, the shiplist (and installer) very well may change. Please report any problems with the download, installer or uninstaller (seperately from shiplist issues).
All races are as they are when you login excpet these:
To play as Lyran, login as Klink (shared).
To play as Mirak, login as Hydran (shared).
To play as Tholian, login as Mirak.
To play as ISC Pirate allies, login as Lyran.