What is this latest masterpiece about? Censorship. I believe it's gone too far, don't you?
For instance, I was watching Major Payne on TV once and remember that seen where Payne farts after eating the super laxative cup cake, making the JROTC kid passing by to faint? Well, they censored out the sound!! Seriously, why would you feel the need to censor that out?? Another instance is a favorite song of mine, depsite the fact that I don't remember the name. In the song they talk about walking in others shoes and not judging- good message. I t was really popular a couple years back. However, most of the song is censored, they cut out the words whore, abortion, gun, '45, and several others. Remember the episode of southpark where cartman was posessed by a Vietnamese prostitute and kept saying "suckey suckey five dallah?" The censors threw a fit over that too!
Other favorite censored words: penis, vagina, titty. God forbid that we admit these things exist. I could understand if they wanted to censor out more venacular forms of these words, but why these? I don't see why they need to censor at this level. Seriously, does it have to be taken to this level?
I say we all stand up with one voice and send letters to the FCC and wussy television networks using the words penis, vagina, titty, fart noises, suckey and all the other needlessly censored words demeanding they pull the sticks out of their poop chutes!