FSD has 3 - 5 pilots that will answer this call to arms. Likker what race are you playing as?
Hmmm, not sure how to answer that...
If I play something else will I be hunted?
If I play lyran am I looking at many t-bombs/ tractors into rocks?
Let me consult with my closest advisor:
<Mr. Whiskey, what do I do?>
<Drink more of me piggy... 10% of your liver still works!>
<Well, that's a given. What race do I play?>
<Eh, play Lyran I suppose... that yellow interface is easiest on your bloodshot eyes.>
<Thanks Mr. Whiskey! You always have the answers!>
<Shaddup and put some ice in me, I'm too warm.>
Ok, I'm playing Lyran.