Taldrenites > Starfleet Command Enhancements and Materials

SFC-Orion Pirates Weapons Data

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Thanks for this handy browser-based weapon info.

After all these years, an update on this wiki: the range charts on the Ph-A & Ph-B were in error in the above versions.

Fixed here:

We can update the Cloaking Device info in the wiki. A cloaked ship that is tractored in Orion Pirates does not lose its misery chart protection: 33% normal damage, 33% half damage, 33% quarter damage.

The 67% normal damage, 33% half damage row in the wiki is maybe from Commander's Edition or for some optional rule(?)

Type-IV MIRV data is incorrect in the wiki. That's how the weapon should work, but it doesn't.


Feedback damage values for overloaded Heavy Photon and Heavy Disruptor are the same as plain overloaded Photon(4) and Disruptor(2).

The SFC_Editor can adjust feedback. It can't fix the large MIRV.


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