Taldrenites > Starfleet Command Enhancements and Materials

SFC-Orion Pirates Weapons Data

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--- Quote from: marstone on July 13, 2009, 06:18:35 am ---don't feel bad TR beams were unfinished, there are references in the code to andro's and tholians but they never made the cut fully into the game.

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That's interesting, I didn't know they had any Tholian progress in the game, even if it was unfinished.


--- Quote from: Roychipoqua_Mace on July 13, 2009, 10:31:02 am ---
--- Quote from: marstone on July 13, 2009, 06:18:35 am ---don't feel bad TR beams were unfinished, there are references in the code to andro's and tholians but they never made the cut fully into the game.

--- End quote ---

That's interesting, I didn't know they had any Tholian progress in the game, even if it was unfinished.

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There is even mention of the Jindarians

TR Beams are in the game and work (they are a Range of Effect weapon). The graphic was never finished and they come out as a plain blue line. There are mods where folks have overlaid new/other weapons textures so I'm sure it would be possible for someone to "finish" them by creating a graphic or simply swapping out one we already have. I always thought the Heavy Phaser graphics would be a good choice: Phaser B for the TRH and Phaser A for TRL. I can create a chart for them if there is enough desire for one or if we fully incorporate them into the game.

sorry I didn't make it clearer in my post that the TR beams are "broken but working" in the game; in my mod we're currently using them as "Neutron Blasters" (a nod to Blake's 7 fans) on a R-D7B,  2 T/R-H and 2 T/R-L with FA arcs. It's a mean little sucker...

Corbomite, which texture gets modified to override the T/R blue? Last time I think I tried fx0 and fx1.bmp to no avail.

Jonnan, I'm going to try loading them into the tiddlywink now, but it's my first attemp, so we'll see how that goes...

I don't know how to do it myself and I can't even find phaser textures of any kind in the Textures file. They might be part of the Sprites file in which case we can't do what I proposed. Chris Jones was the one I remember changing out weapons textures for his UAW mod I think.


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