Taldrenites > Starfleet Command Enhancements and Materials

SFC-Orion Pirates Weapons Data

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Lets try this again - <G>
I converted the listings here to a TiddlyWiki file, which allows crossreferencing and so on. It does require Javascript, and while editting/saving changes works flawlessly in Firefox, any other browser I've had to tweak the settings a bit. But viewing should be fine in any browser.

Hopefully people will find this useful - I find it's a nice format for referencing stuff in.

Thanks - Jonnan

Dude, that is totally WICKED! I love it! Fast, efficient, easy to use... I will definitely be using this. Thanks a whole bunch!

tiny, tiny, minuscule comment - how hard would it be to add the T/R beams (heavy and light)? I know they're not used by most, but the mod I'm working on with a friend uses them as limited-use heavy weapons. Just curious.

Again, great work!


--- Quote from: TAnimaL on July 12, 2009, 01:11:39 pm ---Dude, that is totally WICKED! I love it! Fast, efficient, easy to use... I will definitely be using this. Thanks a whole bunch!

tiny, tiny, minuscule comment - how hard would it be to add the T/R beams (heavy and light)? I know they're not used by most, but the mod I'm working on with a friend uses them as limited-use heavy weapons. Just curious.

Again, great work!

--- End quote ---

?? I feel stupid - I'm not familiar with the TR Beam (I mean, I know them from SFB/Andromedans, but I didn't recall them being in SFC.)

That said - you should be able to add them yourself (I added basic help files in it, because I can't remember stuff - top left hand side has a link) just find the section you want them in (I'm guessing hit or miss weapons?) and click 'new here' - it will start a new entry tagged for that section, and automatically show up under the Table of Contents listing there. If you want to distinguish it from the regular entries change the username 'table of contents' to something like 'Andromedan Invasion Mod' or some such - I just used 'Table of Contents' so there would be a quick link back to there in every entry. Make sure you can save before you spend 15 minutes editing - Firefox works great (Asks for permissions, then works fine), other browsers are hit or miss.

For reference purposes, the baseline product here is TiddlyWiki (http://www.tiddlywiki.com/), and whats not in that is in the http://mptw.tiddlyspot.com wiki, minus the parts I ripped out because they were more than I needed. I use it for things like searchable references, game faqs, occasional storywriting and stuff - <G>.

Anyway, glad you liked it.


don't feel bad TR beams were unfinished, there are references in the code to andro's and tholians but they never made the cut fully into the game.

Ah - sad that they didn't make the cut, but good to know I'm not going completely senile either.

I was definitely having a "I'm *sure* I would have remembered *that*?!?!" moment - <G>



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