Topic: U.S.S. Logan WIP  (Read 2719 times)

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Offline stewiedude

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U.S.S. Logan WIP
« on: January 04, 2005, 02:40:51 pm »

The colour is a little strange I know rofl...   Looked ok at first but the more I look at it....  :lame:

But.. Im not starting the textures again.. so lets ignore that little mistake by me  ;D ;D ;D

So.. a long way off yet.. taken 2 days so far.. gonna spend another 2 at least ;)

Comments as always are appriciated guys  :)
« Last Edit: January 04, 2005, 03:26:03 pm by stewiedude »

Offline Centurus

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Re: U.S.S. Logan WIP
« Reply #1 on: January 04, 2005, 03:05:47 pm »
I like the hull color actually.  Gives it that tough look, like no one wants to take her on.  Also, the placement of the impulse engines at the back of the secondary hull, very nice touch.  Original.  Perhaps also adding additional ones to the rear of the saucer, for that traditional look.  They don't have to be big.  Actually, they could be small.  Kinda like reserve impulse engines, for when the main ones are damaged, or to add extra impulse speeds when needed.  When it comes to the warp manifold (you know that blue stuff usually on nacelles these days), maybe lay them out in sections instead of making it all one long manifold.  What type of mission is this ship meant for?  Deep space exploration, patrol duties, defense, pure-bred science ship, or an assault ship?  Also, possible to get renders of her from underneath?
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Offline stewiedude

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Re: U.S.S. Logan WIP
« Reply #2 on: January 04, 2005, 03:12:33 pm »
Thanks dude, its meant to be an escort ship... I'll show some more pics from all angles when I have some more done.. Im gonna take your advice on the impulse engines and add some to the saucer section  :)

Offline stewiedude

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Re: U.S.S. Logan WIP
« Reply #3 on: January 04, 2005, 03:27:35 pm »

Bit more....

I need a tut from the pro's on how they do their windows... WZ, LS or P81.. email me if you have the time  :)

Offline Centurus

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Re: U.S.S. Logan WIP
« Reply #4 on: January 04, 2005, 03:27:49 pm »
Cool.  And I had a feeling that it would either be an escort ship or science ship.  :-D  
The pen is truly mightier than the sword.  And considerably easier to write with.

Offline stewiedude

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Re: U.S.S. Logan WIP
« Reply #5 on: January 04, 2005, 03:29:05 pm »
Great minds think alike rofl... thanks m8 :)

Offline OlBuzzard

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Re: U.S.S. Logan WIP
« Reply #6 on: January 04, 2005, 04:49:19 pm »
The only thing I see that might be a good suggestion ..  would be to make the bussards less "pointy"...  round off the edges a bit !!  Other wise ..  everything else from these picts are good.  Posting some more angles would be more informative.

over all ....  looks great !
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Offline stewiedude

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Re: U.S.S. Logan WIP
« Reply #7 on: January 04, 2005, 04:55:19 pm »
Awwwwww! I like the pointy neccelles!!!

Thanks Bussard!!!! I will take your advice in good heed!  ;D

Offline Lord Schtupp

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Re: U.S.S. Logan WIP
« Reply #8 on: January 04, 2005, 04:59:54 pm »
AS far as the windows just add a tight little interior shadow like you did the grayish hull panels on the hull, wich is fantastic. Make sure those little inteior window shadows carry over to the illum map. Using the window layer as a mask, copy paste into window selection a some busy piciture then fade it about 60 %, easy way to fake in some detailing.

Offline stewiedude

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Re: U.S.S. Logan WIP
« Reply #9 on: January 04, 2005, 05:07:25 pm »
Fantastic advice....... LS you are the man.. seriously! Thanks allot!! I will try that on my next model!!

Offline Lord Schtupp

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Re: U.S.S. Logan WIP
« Reply #10 on: January 04, 2005, 05:13:33 pm »
its killer but If you spent as much time on building and detailing the engines as you did on the hull, then that would a first class model - Engines a little too simple, need to Fed it up a bit, a little more roundness i suppose. pylons are cool. :thumbsup:

I dunno but Im hard pressed finding things to offer you advice on really Sdude.

Funny thing but the only background I have ever used 4 years is what you have here, I just zoom in a bit like use 1/4 of it at a time.

Offline Lord Schtupp

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Re: U.S.S. Logan WIP
« Reply #11 on: January 04, 2005, 05:20:38 pm »
In ye' olde Photoshoppe take advantage of layer sets(in case you dont already): I have one psd for each texture, but have a illum layer set, a registary/markings set, windows, weathering, and base paneling hull sets all in one psd. seiously some of my psds have like 200 layers in them, but keeping them in one psd makes everything easier.

Offline stewiedude

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Re: U.S.S. Logan WIP
« Reply #12 on: January 04, 2005, 05:31:25 pm »
LS you are right on the necceles... they are rushed...  :-\ MY BAD.. but I quite like em..  ???

As for photoshop... I do use the layers... But it is excellent advice.. layers are fantastic!!!!! Make sutch a huge difference!! Thanks for the tips M8  ;)

Offline Lord Schtupp

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Re: U.S.S. Logan WIP
« Reply #13 on: January 04, 2005, 05:55:09 pm »
Of course the engines are cool overall but just dont match the quality/detail of the hull is all Im sayin'. If not this one then your next model be sure to build the engines totally bitchin'!

Offline S33K100

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Re: U.S.S. Logan WIP
« Reply #14 on: January 04, 2005, 05:56:17 pm »
This looks awesome Stewie, don't change the hull colour, it's basically the same as on the (canon) Norway class right now, I like it, adds to the post-TNG look. Only suggestions I can think of (apart from what LS has already mentioned for the nacelles) would be to add a bridge dome-thingy to the middle of the superstructure you've already got on top of the saucer, preferably have it offset to the forward edge of that dome-superstructure and to add some cut-out torpedo launchers, something similar to the Nova class, I made some scribbles on the picture to illustrate:
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Offline stewiedude

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Re: U.S.S. Logan WIP
« Reply #15 on: January 04, 2005, 06:50:04 pm »
LS.. I will take your advice and spend some time on some new necceles  ;D Thanks Dude  ;)

This looks awesome Stewie, don't change the hull colour, it's basically the same as on the (canon) Norway class right now, I like it, adds to the post-TNG look. Only suggestions I can think of (apart from what LS has already mentioned for the nacelles) would be to add a bridge dome-thingy to the middle of the superstructure you've already got on top of the saucer, preferably have it offset to the forward edge of that dome-superstructure and to add some cut-out torpedo launchers, something similar to the Nova class, I made some scribbles on the picture to illustrate:

Excellent post dude.. I will add the dome and photon launchers  ;)

Two excellent bits of advice there guys... thanks

Offline stewiedude

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Re: U.S.S. Logan WIP
« Reply #16 on: January 04, 2005, 07:35:05 pm »
Thanks FW.  :)

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Re: U.S.S. Logan WIP
« Reply #17 on: January 04, 2005, 07:46:29 pm »
That's very low a registry for such a late-TNG ship as that (as well as more "unique" a font for the name and registry aside from Starfleet's standard in markings), but for a ship of her era, she's not so bad.   She looks pretty similar to the Nova-class, though. 

Just a reccomendation, no biggie (and while nitpicking, nothing really bad), but as I said, the registry is low.  So my reccomendation is add a number after the 8.  Something like "NCC-82730" or "NCC-82273" or something amongst that to put her in the correct era. 

Aside from that, I say she looks nice for her era.  A sub-class of the Nova, perhaps?  You said it was an escort, and the Nova was a science vessel.  It somehow reminds me of how people in the 80s and/or 90s made up kitbashes of the Oberth-class to make her a more-worthy escort vessel than a science vessel.  Just thinking out loud while giving good comments.

Edit: I'd also like to add that, considering the window size, that you keep the bridge dome as it is.  No offense Marauth, but considering the window sizes, an addition of that size would make the bridge tiny and cramped.  I'd like to think the current bridge dome is right for having room for turbolifts and a ready room or conference room.  It's either that, or maybe shorten the window sizes? *shrug* Again, thinking out loud if you take Marauth's bridge into consideration, upping her size.  But I believe--like the Nova-class--she'd be a small ship.  However, I would agree with your addition of a photon torpedo launcher, but perhaps maybe one?  She is an escort cruiser, not a frigate or light cruiser.  Again, just openly thinking out loud to help out here, not to downplay anything.
« Last Edit: January 04, 2005, 07:56:57 pm by Chris Johnson »

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Re: U.S.S. Logan WIP
« Reply #18 on: January 04, 2005, 08:00:26 pm »
I liked the pointy angular nacelles. ;D
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Re: U.S.S. Logan WIP
« Reply #19 on: January 04, 2005, 08:17:39 pm »
The engines are the only change I'd make...maybe just chamfer the sides and the nose down some and flatten the bottom edge, to make it more like the Nova...actually, modified Nova nacelles would be perfect...same era, same small vessel size, just beef 'em up a little, alter a few details and you could have the perfect cross of Starfleet and the old Exploratory Command. Use the same hull for explorer/science vessels and military vessels, just use different components. ;)

All in all, a great model, and textures are rockin'! :rwoot:
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