Topic: All trekked out. Time for Andromeda  (Read 3973 times)

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Re: All trekked out. Time for Andromeda
« Reply #20 on: January 05, 2005, 12:28:58 am »
Ok who did the Ascendent again for SFC and where can I down load it?  I can't find it anymore.

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Re: All trekked out. Time for Andromeda
« Reply #21 on: January 05, 2005, 12:43:22 am »
Ok who did the Ascendent again for SFC and where can I down load it?  I can't find it anymore.

There's one in the community docks...
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Re: All trekked out. Time for Andromeda
« Reply #22 on: January 05, 2005, 05:27:13 am »
Thanks Wanderer, is the gold textured one available anywhere?

Couple more captures- front views of the Neichzians.

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Re: All trekked out. Time for Andromeda
« Reply #23 on: January 05, 2005, 05:33:26 am »

This thread has about a dozen or so Non-canon High Guard ships.
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Re: All trekked out. Time for Andromeda
« Reply #24 on: January 05, 2005, 08:08:10 am »
man those designs kick ass they would rule if someone made them for SFC
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Re: All trekked out. Time for Andromeda
« Reply #25 on: January 05, 2005, 08:45:52 am »
no kidding, they are way awesome- those Nietchans (?) are ab fab!

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Re: All trekked out. Time for Andromeda
« Reply #26 on: January 05, 2005, 04:21:47 pm »
I am doing up the Nietzchian one for sure. I got it started and wanted to make sure I could get the general shape before I said anything. I'll post a WIP when its farther along. :)

I love those Andromeda designs thanks for the link. As far as making an Andromeda mod, I see now that the biggest problem will be poly count. The tubular ship designs necessitate higher poly counts. Thus OP likely unsuitable, imagine eaach player controlling 3 ascendants. I am not even sure of the poly count as milkshape won't load the mod. So its likely over 12k.

Also any drones or slip fighters would need to be real basic for poly reasons.  What I might consider is an SFC3 mod with 1 High Guard slot, 1 Nietzchian slot and 2 pirate slots made up of a grab bag of pirate ships and minor SFB races (been eyeing up MajorRacal's Gorn and Lyrans)  I think it would look funny to include the Feds with the High guard as there from way different eras.

There just would'nt be enough ships unless some generic pirates get added in. Another possibility for thr High Guard is to just use the Ascendant for every  class and just rescale it.

Say where is Kaliban? The Ascendant he made didn't have a read me in it and I should get hold if this mod  gets finalized.

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Re: All trekked out. Time for Andromeda
« Reply #27 on: January 06, 2005, 12:13:33 am »
Here is the progress on the Neitzchian cruiser. This ship is a must have for any ANdromeda mod. It 2nd in appearance only to the Ascendent. Just some notes. This WIP currently has 12,000 poligons. Over half of these are in the tubular trim.  I may cut back on trim pieces as I estimate that I still need 3000 poligons to finish it. Milk shape often vraps out around 12k polies, so not sure if I can add all the details in the mesh. Not having real good reference pics, this mesh is my best guess.

Comments welcome. If something seams off, feal free to point it out. JUst remember though that its a compromise between detail and poligons.

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Re: All trekked out. Time for Andromeda
« Reply #28 on: January 06, 2005, 02:35:47 am »
Update.  Added some stuff to the hull. Not the best angle shot but it shows the updated parts. 12,500 poly. OK done except for fixing errors and welding. On too texturing. As LS says thats 70% of the model so taking my time with it. Got a lot done cause were getting snowed in.  :P

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