Sure she had a very pretty face, but any of you ever get a gander at that big flabby butt of hers? ew.
*kinda liked her big butt*
I was really more partial to Natasha Yar. She looked like the kind that would put up a fight.
Ok, the most useless characters in Trek, by series:
TOS: Uhura- They put her there for women's lib and equality and integration's sakes- and more than a little for eye-candy's sake, and then don't get her to do a striptease till she's in her 50's!
WORTHLESS! All she did was repeat what (insert male character here) told her to say over the radio.
TASHA YAR got more character development for crying out loud, and she was only there for one season!
TNG: The Un-Named Boy- Yes, that son of Crusher's that we all hate. He was just there to be the director's
deus ex machina when they ran out of creative ways to get the
Big E out of trouble. THe only good part he ever had was in the episode where he was done to death by a bayonet, and then they saved the SOB!
( I REALLY hated DS9), but if I had to pick, it would be Keko O'Brian.
Voyager: Kes... I don't need a reason here, it's painfully obvious.