Hiya. Just wanted to make sure of this, as I've heard differing opinions.
The klingon C10k had it's drone control lowered to just 6, yet the ship still has
8 B racks, and a double shuttle launch rate?
I was told this ship was just another Taldren "inwention", but I know little of SFB cannon. It was my understanding this was a missile varient dreadnaught, hence the higher bpv compared to the related varients along with the increased drone control and racks. However the bpv appears to be unchanged, and with only 6 drone control the ship will never drone anything remotely of it's class to death as it's always been used in OP/EAW.
If this was an intentional change, then what about possibly reflecting it in the bpv, or removing the surplus racks to decrease the bpv? Anway I was just wondering, it's just a tad to small to fly regularly against x-heavies unlike the B10k, B11k, B10T, and MB10 anyway

And as always, thank you for the work you've put into this game, FireSoul.