Topic: BSG-75 (BattleStar galactica mini-series version)  (Read 11528 times)

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Offline Fallen_Warrior

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Re: BSG-75 (BattleStar galactica mini-series version)
« Reply #20 on: January 05, 2005, 12:15:52 pm »
« Last Edit: April 08, 2016, 05:17:52 pm by Fallen_Warrior »
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Offline AncientAngel

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Re: BSG-75 (BattleStar galactica mini-series version)
« Reply #21 on: January 05, 2005, 07:15:26 pm »
Slight Up-date:

Got one of the pylons meshed in and designed for either open or enclosed hanger bays tonight.
She is currently sitting at a very lite 1838 polys and even though I have more things I want to add to the mesh I highly doubt it will hit above 2K. Granted I need to do the four control arms for the hanger bays but that is a fairly simple process to add in and very low on polys since its just a basic square. Oh yeah I just about forgot about the gun turrets that will add up quickly.

Time table on release of the BSG maye get a little touchy in the next week or so a few free lance work projects just hit me tonight so I am going to have to switch focus very shortly so I can get to work on them. If it doesn't get finished this week I will use it to break up the work load. I know myself well enough that if I just leave this alone long enough I will not get around to finishing it. Ods are the next time I would want to do it, I would have to remodel the entire thing again because of improved meshing technigues.

So with a little luck, I am hoping to get this ship done..Modeled, Textured and glows in place in the next few days. Hp's , Dp's and Brk_model will have been be done by someone else for the time being.

Offline AncientAngel

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Re: BSG-75 (BattleStar galactica mini-series version)
« Reply #22 on: January 06, 2005, 10:06:37 am »
Got some progress done on the Galactica today.
Current count is 2798 polys should be hitting the 3K mark once I get the rest of the Rail Cannons in place. Everything is textured and Meshed it. I also put in place the run way inside both hanger bays, the movie version will only have the one bay completely open. After the rest of the turrets are in place I will work on resizing it ..and do a few conversions of the Battlestar.

BSG-75 Mini-Series version with one working Hanger
Comabt Ready Galactica both Hangers operational
BSG-75 Mini-Series Version in FTL mode.
And maybe a combat version of FTL mode as well, depending on time.

Hoping to have new pics up tonight or friday.

Offline AncientAngel

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Re: BSG-75 (BattleStar galactica mini-series version)
« Reply #23 on: January 06, 2005, 12:39:33 pm »
Can someone give her a test run in-game (proto-type model)

I need to find my sfc3 disk and uninstall a few things etc... before I can check it out myself.
I only have the rear engine glows in place ... and no other Illumination mapped in currently. Hell its been so long the ship might be put in backwards, Milkshape is funny that way.

Offline MajorRacal

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Re: BSG-75 (BattleStar galactica mini-series version)
« Reply #24 on: January 06, 2005, 09:36:19 pm »
Tested and all OK - as per other thread.

Offline AncientAngel

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Re: BSG-75 (BattleStar galactica mini-series version)
« Reply #25 on: January 06, 2005, 09:50:38 pm »
yeah ...Just watched BSG low-down on DVD and saw two shots of the Galactica I haven't seen yet. 3/4 Rear-Side view and another one from a higher position. Seems my rear engine detail is way off and the internal side structure is beyond being anything Canon.

Oh well, I will see what I can do to fix both those issues. Thanks for testing her out good to know she was atleast pointed in the right dirrection. ;)

Offline S33K100

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Re: BSG-75 (BattleStar galactica mini-series version)
« Reply #26 on: January 16, 2005, 05:17:58 pm »
Looks great, if you're still working on this and need some good referrence, this link has loads of really good perspective renders of the actual mesh along with a full set of orthographic shots of the mesh. The level of detail on it is insane when you get close up it's almost too much to take in. :o
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S33K100: formerly Marauth

Offline AncientAngel

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Re: BSG-75 (BattleStar galactica mini-series version)
« Reply #27 on: January 17, 2005, 06:59:48 am »
Well do to someone in my family getting on my system and installing a few things.. My HD went critical after I unistalled it and attempted to access another program (blue screen of Death) Needless to say, the Galactica is gone and a few other 2D projects are destroyed as well ...

Needless to say I am not a happy camper right now after spending over 8 hrs trying to save the HD then having to go in and finally reformat that whole dam thing and start over. Not much you can do once your boot sectors throw a tripple error code.

Anyways, with that being said if this freelance project doesn't come about I might redo the Galactica and fix a ton of issues I couldn't see with the three views that I had.