Sounds good until you realize the thing has 7 G-racks and 6 drone control. 
Hehe, the C10K has 6 drone ctrl and 8 B-racks.
So what's the reason for having more drone racks than control allows for? ???
Well it used to have 12. But the whole FS project is moving right along toward SFB town and leaving SFC behind altogether. Which is good and bad. This is a popular move for the Klingon playerbase, lol!
As we all know, the drone control rating of a ship is equal (or double) to it's sensor rating, which on
most ships is 6. I say
most, as there are many ships that have sensor ratings other than six. The C10 is a good example. It's sensor rating is 8, which means it should have a drone control of 8, not 6. The Fed DNH has a sensor rating of 10, thus should have a drone control of 10. I think the confusion here has to do with how the sensor rating is shown on the SSD's. Each box has a number, starting with 0 and ending with 6. These numbers have to do with die rolls on a 1d6 (as your sensors take damage and boxes are checked off), not the sensor rating itself. So, the question becomes, is there some limitation in the game that requires a drone control of 6 or 12? I have not tested this myself.
Of course, I'm not up on the ins and outs of the SFB rule set concerning this, so I could be wrong. Any old-time SFBers want to clear this up for me?