Tis OK anywya, imho the STL is better than the M8.
(Although the Rom Mauler DN with 50 (!) batteries and 9 Ph1's might be nasty.)
Yeah War DN's didn't impress me that much .
The Klingon DNM and Kzin DNM seem... nasty though (14Ph1 7 racks and 6 dizzies on the Klink,)
Of course the Fed one is worse.. (7 AMD and 7 Gracks I think?)
But is the Fed supposed to come out 10 years (effectively) after the otehrs, Lyran 77, Klink + Mirak 80, Feds 90?
(Havent looked at the ISC yet, lol)
Um, hexx, the 7 AMD are the 7 AMD from the G-Racks. It doesn't have 14 AMD.
DNMs would come out whenever X-ships become available. Are they really any worse than the DNHs or the respective races?
Hmm, well I count 7AMD on the ship as well as 7 G racks. Of course I haven't been paying attention alot so if the Grack fix has been done I'll just be quiet now.

Personally I think the DNm's are far superior to the DNH's. But I aslo know nothing of DN's (as I demonstarted the otehr night) so who am I to say.
Also only the Fed DnM (90) come out with the Xships, everything else seems to be 77 (Lyran) to 83 (Gorn and ISC?)
I really,really, really like the CAL thing btw, to bad they didn't do a power refit for it ...
I'm sure I'd be almost invincible...
BTW isn't there supposed to be a L variant of the PFp's for the Lyrans?
- Not asking if FS missed something (what with 5k ships or so), just thought I remembered seeing one in the SSD books.