Taldrenites > Starfleet Command Enhancements and Materials

FireSoul's OP+ 4.0 -- release time

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It's time to release OP+ 4.0, which has been in development since about .. June? July? It's gone through a lot of tweaks, has gained a lot of models and even has more ships added for our gaming fun.

To download, please use bittorrent. Bittorrent is a p2p-like file-transfer application which is limited to only the specified file(s). In this case, only the OP+ with models installer will be included, which makes it safe to use. Why Bittorrent? While yuou are downloading, you're also letting others download from you. Once you completed your download, you can choose to let bittorrent run for a while, sharing your bandwidth and letting others download from you as well, adding to the total share speed.
The official site for bittorrent can be found here: http://bitconjurer.org/BitTorrent/
Me, I suggest and use BitTornado: http://bittornado.com/download.html

Edit: It's safe to install once the bittorrent client says the download is finished without interrupting it: please let it run for a bit. It's also ok to restart the torrent pointing to the completed file. That tells the torrent client to 'seed' and let others download from you.

Bittorrent download: ftp://klingon.stasis.ca/pub/sfcop/opplus_40_models.exe.torrent

There's also a classic download URL, but it is limited to 30KB/sec:
Download: ftp://klingon.stasis.ca/pub/sfcop/opplus_40_models.exe  (63 MB)
No-models Download: ftp://klingon.stasis.ca/pub/sfcop/opplus_40_no_models.exe

For reference, I suggest visiting the main site: http://klingon.stasis.ca/OP_plusrefit/

Number of ships: 5958

For major changes, please see:

    * Enhanced Shiplist
    * Module R9 -- The Ships That Never Were
    * 4.0 Refit Spans and Revision
    * fighter number consolidations

.. oh, and a change I did not list, but is assumed you can expect, is that there's a crapload of new ship models. An installed OP+ 4.0 (with models) will take around 700 mb on your HD.

I forgot to mention: The installers include everything from my mini-patchers. That should help propagate D2 goodness as well as other fixes and workarounds.


Developpers and scripters:
There's been some initiative in trying to improve how a shiplist is accessed. What I have done here is designed and implemented a system which allows far more control over ship selection using a modified and enhanced MagnumMan Shiplist API. I will shortly release a new coopace script which demonstrates what it can do.

You can get the API by itself (you gotta compile it) or within the OP "FireSoul's Build Environment" here:

Chris Jones:
Another Polished mod from the great one!   :)

I will mirror it with your permission, sir

Klingon Fanatic:
 ;D Thank you Firesoul. Are the hardpointed planet models available for this?


Stickied for you Firesoul andw great work.. Dling it now.. both versions... can't wait for the Co-Op to come out...

I'll wait a week after Co-Op comes out to make the OP Enhancement Pack v3.0 to include this material and Tracey G's script.. will be another 2 days after that before it will be available for public DL.. If that is acceptable for you...

thanks again !!!


--- Quote from: Klingon Fanatic on January 01, 2005, 12:22:58 pm --- ;D Thank you Firesoul. Are the hardpointed planet models available for this?


--- End quote ---

No.. I never recieved any to look at, and there are issues concerning the no-models versions. The hardpointed planets will have to come later, if any. Besides...  there's PLENTY new otherwise.. I'm kinda burnt out right now. I've been at it for half the year.


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