The Oberth had the black slats on the underside of the nacelles, just cuz they didn't light up doesn't mean they're not the same thing - they were probably like the outer edges of the Enterprise-class nacelles - armoured instead of leaving it all on show.
I just dislike bright red bussards in general, especially on TOS/TMP ships, doesn't matter as I'll just swap out the textures from the alternate vertical arrangement ship. BTW Stewiedude, what's that big yellow glow inbetween the impulse engines? Oh and one last thing you might consider addding to the textures before release (no need to waste more polies) is running lights like you've got on the nacelles, white on the front tip of the saucer, red on the left tip and green on the right tip. In any case both are great ships, can't wait to get them in game.